Language, Identity and Education on the Arabian Peninsula : Bilingual Policies in a Multilingual Context - Louisa Buckingham

Language, Identity and Education on the Arabian Peninsula

Bilingual Policies in a Multilingual Context

By: Louisa Buckingham (Editor)

eBook | 29 November 2016 | Edition Number 1

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This collection examines the urban multilingual realities of inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula in the early 21st century from the perspectives of learners, teachers and researchers. Focusing on both public and private spheres, it considers the importance of both English and immigrants' languages in a context of rapid socioeconomic development. Extending beyond English-Arabic societal bilingualism, the language practices of the Peninsula's citizens and residents serve multiple purposes in their daily lived realities. Chapters on home and heritage languages, identity, ELT, commercial signage and academic publishing contribute to a deepening understanding of the inherent linguistic diversity in these dynamic societies.

Industry Reviews

Language, Identity and Education on the Arabian Peninsula brings together a refreshing variety of methodologies to illuminate how different stakeholders perceive English, Arabic and other languages in relation to their own lives. The rich range of 'insider' data in the book and the focus on curricular and social context make a valuable contribution to the literature on this region, with implications for other parts of the world where English is similarly embraced and contested.
