Leadership and Self-Deception : Getting Out of the Box : Getting Out of the Box - Arbinger Institute

Leadership and Self-Deception : Getting Out of the Box

Getting Out of the Box

By: Arbinger Institute

Paperback | 1 October 2009

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The Arbinger Institute, is a group of scholars, business leaders, and professionals, who have set out to provide a new solution to the age-old problem of self-deception. Leadership and Self-Deception reveals that there are only two ways for leaders to be: the source of leadership problems or the source of leadership success. The authors examine this surprising truth, identify self- deception as the underlying cause of leadership failure. Through an entertaining and highly instructive story Leadership and Self- Deception clearly demonstrates how people can stop undermining themselves and what amazing things happen when they do-freely and fully putting to work all the behavioural skills, systems, and techniques that will bring success to them and their organizations. While other books cover useful people skills, techniques, and systems of leadership, this one goes deeper, fully illuminating the source of what makes truly effective leadership.

Industry Reviews

"Profound, engaging... packed with insight. I couldnt recommend it more highly." Stephen R. Covey, Author, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

"I love this book, mt mother loves it, my colleagues love it... Im sure everyone who reads it will love it too! It strikes a deep chord for how we sabotage our own success and happiness." Debra Heitmann, Managing Director of Quay Investment Group and Telstra Business Woman of the Year.

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