Leadership : An Australasian Focus - Andrew J. DuBrin


An Australasian Focus

By: Andrew J. DuBrin

Paperback | 25 October 2005 | Edition Number 2

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This second edition of Leadership continues to offer a balanced approach to the study of leadership, drawing on Australasian practices and international theory. It looks at the characteristics of leaders in a wide variety of Australasian settings - organisations in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors, as well as in politics and in our community.

Traditional content such as charismatic, transformational, contingency, and situational theories of leadership are covered in detail, along with the power, influence, motivation, coaching, communication, and team building aspects of leadership.

The text also introduces contemporary issues, such as entrepreneurship, knowledge management, leadership in international contexts, and the importance of ethics and social responsibility.

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