LeMone and Burke's Medical-Surgical Nursing, Volumes 1-3

4th Edition

By: Gerene Bauldoff, Paula Gubrud-Howe, Margaret-Ann Carno, Tracy Levett-Jones, Majella Hales

Paperback | 16 October 2019 | Edition Number 4

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Provides a comprehensive, contemporary and consistent systems-based approach that engages students and provides the practical knowledge and skills they need to care for adult patients with a focus on person-centred, holistic nursing care.

Designed to:
  • emphasise a person-centred philosophy whereby the person who is the recipient of care is seen as an integral member of the team and consideration of their needs and wishes is paramount
  • foster critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills as the basis for safe clinical practice and nursing excellence
  • recognise the nurse’s role as an essential member of the interprofessional healthcare team.

Mater Education - Diploma of Nursing