Evaluating Mosaic Practice | |
Mosaic Conservation: Fifty Years of Modern Practice | |
Learning from Past Interventions: Evaluation of the Project to Conserve the Orpheus Mosaic at Paphos, Cyprus | |
Bilan d'operations realisees par l'Atelier de Saint-Romain-en-Gal | |
Learning from the Literature: A Review of Published Works on Mosaic Deterioration and Conservation Treatments | |
Orbe-Bosceaz (Canton de Vaud, Suisse) 1975-2005: 30 ans de reflexions sur la conservation d'anciennes et de nouvelles mosaiques | |
Villa of the Birds Five Years Later: Early Roman Mosaics in Alexandria, Egypt | |
Lessons Learned in Theory and Practice of Mosaic Treatments: The Case of the Wall Mosaics in the Church of the Holy Apostles, Thessaloniki, Greece | |
Discussion | |
Caring for Mosaics in Museums | |
Conservation et restauration des mosaiques romaines au Portugal - Quelques exemples dans les collections de musees | |
Conservation d'un ensemble d'emblemata du Musee Archeologique National | |
Inadequate Storage Conditions: Causes of Deterioration of Mosaics in a Museum Environment | |
Cooperation algero-francaise pour la preservation de collections anciennes de mosaiques des musees algeriens | |
Conservation and Display of Three Mosaics in the Greco-Roman Museum, Alexandria, Egypt | |
Where Theory Meets Practice: The Conservation and Presentation of a Roman Floor Mosaic at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston | |
Discussion | |
Documenting and Assessing Sites at Risk | |
The Mosaic Corpus of Turkey: A New International Research Project | |
La gestion des pavements de mosaiques decouverts fortuitement: Deposer ou conserver in situ? | |
Mosaic Floors Unearthed at Rescue Excavations in Turkey: A Philosophical and Ethical Evaluation of the Decision-Making Process | |
Managing Sites with Mosaics | |
Conservation and Preservation of Mosaics in Syria: The Case for a Multidisciplinary Approach - or New Strategies for Old Problems | |
Um Er-Rasas (Um Al-Rasas): Preservation of the Mosaics at a New World Heritage Site in Jordan | |
Conservation and Restoration of the Nikopolis Mosaics: A Program for Integrated Management and Presentation of the Archaeological Site | |
Les mosaiques de Volubilis (Maroc) : Planification de la conservation et de la gestion | |
The Legacy of Nora, Sardinia: A Project for the Conservation, Restoration, and Maintenance of Mosaics | |
Discussion | |
Sheltering Mosaics | |
Rapid Assessment of Shelters over Mosaics: Methodology and Initial Results from England | |
Rapid Assessment of Shelters over Mosaics: Initial Results from Israel | |
Protective Shelters over Archaeological Sites: A Review of Assessment Initiatives | |
Lessons Not Learned: The Shelters at Kourion, Cyprus | |
Une nouvelle approche pour la preservation in situ des mosaiques et vestiges archeologiques au Liban: La crypte de l'eglise Saint-Georges a Beyrouth | |
140 Years of Mosaic Conservation at Chedworth Roman Villa, United Kingdom | |
Discussion | |
Training of Conservation Practitioners | |
Questions d'actualite: La conservation des mosaiques dans le territoire de Gaza, formation de personnel et travaux d'intervention et de preservation des mosaiques in situ | |
Experiences in Mosaic Conservation Training in the Middle East | |
Training of Technicians for the Maintenance of in Situ Mosaics: An Assessment of the Tunisian Initiative after Three Years | |
Une strategic tunisienne pour conserver la mosaique | |
Discussion | |
Case Studies | |
The Study of Hydraulic Lime Mortars for the Conservation of Mosaics | |
Reburial versus Sheltering: Experiments in Preventive Conservation of the Mosaics in the Roman Villa of Rabacal, Penela, Portugal | |
Consolidation in situ de la mosaique de la grande basilique de Tipasa, Algerie | |
Les mosaiques de Lambese, Algerie | |
La mosaique de Grand (Vosges, France): Un exemple ancien pour la conservation des vestiges archeologiques sur site | |
Backing Roman Mosaics with Glass Fiber Reinforced Cement | |
Discussion | |
Summary Conclusions and Recommendations | |
Summary Conclusions and Recommendations/Conclusions et recommendations | |
Posters | |
Mosaic Icons in Greece: Techniques and Methods of Conservation | |
L'emblema decouvert en mer, au large d'Agde : Technique de fabrication - traitement de conservation | |
La restauration de la mosaique du VI[superscript e] siecle de Qabr Hiram (Liban) par l'atelier de restauration de mosaiques de Saint-Remain-en-Gal | |
Study of the Mineralogical and Chemical Characteristics of Materials Used in the Construction of Roman Mosaics in Volubilis, Morocco, with a View toward Their Conservation | |
The Lifting Procedure of the Bacchus Mosaic from the Roman Villa in Barrio Jarana, Cadiz, Spain | |
Comparison of Conventional and Photogrammetric Documentation of Mosaics at the Agora of Perge | |
Un emblema provenant d'Utique conserve au Musee du Louvre | |
The Project for the Conservation, Maintenance, and Utilization of the Pavement of the Cathedral in Spoleto, Italy | |
Problematique posee par les reintegrations des lacunes dans la mosaique des Monstres marins de Lambese-Tazoult, Algerie | |
The Byzantine Painted Floor in Salamiya, Syria: Possibilities for Conservation and Presentation | |
The Syrian Mosaic Pavement Documentation Training Program | |
Etude sur l'etat de conservation des mosaiques du Musee National d'Iran a partir de vestiges du site archeologique sassanide de Bichapour | |
Archaeometric Analysis and Weathering Effects on Pompeii's Nymphaea Mosaics | |
An Assessment of Recent in Situ Conservation Treatments of Mosaics in Turkey | |
An Evaluation of the Preservation of Reburied Mosaics in Cilicia | |
The Lifting of a Mosaic from the Site of Letoon and Its Replacement with a Replica | |
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