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Letters of Credit : Theory and Practice - Rupnarayan Bose

Letters of Credit

Theory and Practice

By: Rupnarayan Bose

Paperback | 5 June 2020

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Letters of Credit: Theory and Practice explains in simple English all the important information you'll ever need on letters of credit (LC). This book provides extensive, easy-to-understand, practical and useful suggestions to help during negotiations, in selecting the right terms of payment, improving operations, reducing errors and risks, facilitating trade and final settlement, and much more.

It is extensively researched, delving deep into the subject of international trade, presenting current issues and solutions related to LCs that the reader may not otherwise come across easily.

A gold mine of information on payment risk management, it's the last word on documentary credits.

"This book is a great read for knowledge and practical information on letters of credit. It succinctly takes the reader through the concepts of risk management, explains the fundamentals of global trade finance issues, the dilemmas plaguing international sellers and buyers, and standardised ways for the buyer and the seller to secure goods and make payments, respectively. This is a must-read book for academicians, exporters, importers and bankers looking for complete, authentic information on international trade finance and global business."

-Dr. Deepankar Sinha, Professor; Head - Research Division, Kolkata Campus; Programme Director - Centre for Trade and Logistics (CFTL), Kolkata Campus, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT)

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