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Life After Power : Seven Presidents and Their Search for Purpose Beyond the White House by Jared Cohen - Liam Benton

Life After Power

Seven Presidents and Their Search for Purpose Beyond the White House by Jared Cohen

By: Liam Benton

eBook | 3 March 2024

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In "Lif? Aft?r Pow?r: S?v?n Pr?sid?nts and Th?ir S?arch for Purpos? B?yond th? Whit? Hous?," author Jar?d Coh?n div?s into th? liv?s of s?v?n form?r US Pr?sid?nts, ?xploring th?ir ?xp?ri?nc?s and pursuits of purpos? aft?r l?aving th? country's high?st offic?.

Coh?n's thorough r?s?arch and astut? analysis cr?at? a vivid pictur? of th? journ?y th?s? s?v?n pr?sid?nts took as th?y fac?d lif? aft?r wi?lding imm?ns? pow?r. Th? book off?rs a uniqu? vi?wpoint on how l?ad?rs struggl? to d?fin? th?ir purpos? and l?av? a lasting impact on soci?ty.

Coh?n's story b?gins with John Quincy Adams, whos? post-pr?sid?ntial y?ars w?r? pack?d with political pursuits, including a stint in th? Hous? of R?pr?s?ntativ?s wh?r? h? fought fi?rc?ly against th? ?xt?nsion of slav?ry. Adams' ?xp?ri?nc? s?ts th? ton? for th? book, as Coh?n inv?stigat?s how ?ach succ?ssiv? pr?sid?nt handl?d th? unfamiliar t?rritory of lif? aft?r offic?.

Th? author d?lv?s into th? biography of Andr?w Johnson, who ?ncount?r?d num?rous obstacl?s aft?r his administration, including imp?achm?nt. D?spit? this d?f?at, Johnson took solac? in r?turning to his birthplac? of Gr??n?vill?, T?nn?ss??, wh?r? h? b?cam? a r?sp?ct?d figur? in th? community, providing l?gal and political assistanc? to both locals and f?llow politicians.

Coh?n th?n turns his att?ntion to William Howard Taft, who has b?gun a n?w chapt?r in his lif? as Chi?f Justic? of th? Unit?d Stat?s Supr?m? Court. Taft's post-pr?sid?ntial car??r chang?d him from a disgruntl?d politician to a wid?ly r?cogniz?d jurist who mad? significant contributions to th? Am?rican l?gal syst?m.

Th? author th?n div?s into th? lif? of H?rb?rt Hoov?r, who suff?r?d popular d?rision for his p?rc?iv?d shortcomings during th? Gr?at D?pr?ssion. Coh?n, on th? oth?r hand, ?mphasiz?s Hoov?r's outstanding humanitarian achi?v?m?nts following his administration, ?sp?cially his l?ad?rship of r?li?f ?fforts during and aft?r World War II. Hoov?r's long-lasting r?putation as a humanitarian activist is fr?qu?ntly ?clips?d by his pr?sid?ncy, and Coh?n hop?s to shin? ?mphasis on this l?ss?r-known asp?ct of his lif?.

Coh?n also looks at Richard Nixon's lif?, who, d?spit? his tumultuous pr?sid?ncy, us?d his post-pr?sid?ntial y?ars to pond?r and r?mak? hims?lf. Coh?n's writing provid?s a nuanc?d p?rsp?ctiv? on Nixon's political r?habilitation and his substantial impact on US-China ti?s, as w?ll as his m?moir writing, which provid?s insight into his own failur?s and l?ssons l?arn?d.

Moving on, Coh?n looks at Jimmy Cart?r's post-pr?sid?ntial car??r, highlighting his tir?l?ss d?votion to humanitarian work through th? Cart?r C?nt?r, wh?r? h? work?d to advanc? p?ac?, d?mocracy, and human rights around th? world. Coh?n b?autifully shows Cart?r's st?adfast commitm?nt to moral id?als long aft?r h? l?av?s th? Oval Offic?.

Finally, th? author d?lv?s into G?org? W. Bush's post-pr?sid?ntial lif?, focusing on his commitm?nt to public s?rvic?, particularly in th? fi?lds of v?t?rans' w?lfar?, ?ducation, and global h?alth ?fforts. Coh?n discuss?s Bush's ?fforts to carv? out a r?l?vant rol? for hims?lf aft?r his pr?sid?ncy ?nd?d, noting th? impact h? had in a vari?ty of fi?lds.

In "Lif? Aft?r Pow?r: S?v?n Pr?sid?nts and Th?ir S?arch for Purpos? B?yond th? Whit? Hous?," Jar?d Coh?n provid?s r?ad?rs with an insightful and d?tail?d look at th? liv?s of th?s? s?v?n pr?sid?nts. By d?lving into th?ir post-pr?sid?ntial ?xp?ri?nc?s and th? rout?s th?y s?l?ct?d, Coh?n qu?stions traditional vi?ws of what it m?ans to l?av? th? pr?sid?ncy and aims to und?rstand th? inn?r impuls?s that motivat? th?s? l?ad?rs to continu? making constructiv? contributions to soci?ty.


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