Life Lessons through Storytelling : Children's Exploration of Ethics - Donna Eder

Life Lessons through Storytelling

Children's Exploration of Ethics

By: Donna Eder, Gregory Cajete (Foreword by)

Paperback | 6 September 2010

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Storytelling empowers children to engage in discussions; explore ideas about power, respect, community, fairness, equality, and justice; and help frame their understanding of complex ethical issues within a society. In Life Lessons through Storytelling, Donna Eder interviews elementary students and presents their responses to stories from different cultures. Using Aesop's fables and Kenyan and Navajo storytelling traditions as models for classroom use, Eder demonstrates the value of a cross-cultural approach to teaching through storytelling, while providing deep insights into the social psychology of learning.

Industry Reviews

Educatiors, scholars, and non-scholars alike will highly appreciate Donna Eder's study . . . In this book, she not only reclaims the significance of storytelling within Western culture but also reintroduces the act of storytelling into the school curriculum. March 30, 2011

* Journal of Folklore Research *

An Life Lessons through Storytelling by Donna Eder is an engaging and timely, cross-cultural study of storytelling as a vehicle for children's social and ethical learning. Eder begins with interviews of Navajo and Kenyan storytellers and educators, providing in-depth knowledge about the nature and value of their storytelling traditions. She then presents group interviews with fourth- and fifth-grade students, exploring their responses to teaching stories from different cultures, relating them to their own lives. Concluding sections contextualize findings within existing research and explore issues of practical application in the classroom. Readers will see how storytelling empowers youth to engage in discussions, explore a range of issues from power, respect and community to fairness, equality and justice, and come to frame their own understandings of complex ethical issues within a society. Examining Aesop's Fables and Kenyan and Navajo storytelling traditions as models for classroom use, An Ethical Compass demonstrates the value of a cross-cultural approach to teaching through storytelling while providing deep insights into the social psychology of learning.

[T]his book offers a cross culture, indterdisciplinary study of breadth and depth together with [Eder's] acknowledgements, analysis and advocacy.

* B.C. Folklore *

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