Life Under Surveillance : A Field Guide - Osman Kibar

Life Under Surveillance

A Field Guide

By: Osman Kibar

Paperback | 10 March 2020

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We are all constantly being spied on--and we know it. A 2015 Pew Research Center survey found that 80% believe we should be concerned about government monitoring of our phone and Internet communication, and more than 90% understand that we have lost control over how our personal information is collected and used by corporations. And yet, in the wake of the Paris attacks by ISIS, the director of the CIA angrily complained about "hand-wringing" over privacy and civil liberties, promising more not less global surveillance.

Here is a practical guide to protecting our data-- and ourselves--from state and corporate intrusion, and a political guide that explains the reasons for and the extent of the erosion of privacy. Discussing flashpoints over surveillance and dissidence from the Arab spring to Occupy to Edward Snowden's revelations, and written by award-winning journalists, this book provides a step-by-step guide and an accessible explanation of a seemingly technical and bewildering subject.

About the Author

Osman Kibar is an award-winning journalist covering security, privacy, surveillance, and hacking. He is an investigative staff reporter with Dagens Naeringsliv, the national daily newspaper based in Oslo, Norway. He was chosen as one of 50 people on Wired Magazine's "Smart List" of 2013 as "persons who will shape our future" for his coverage of the rise of surveillance and its political and social implications.

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