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Light and Shade in Charcoal, Pencil and Brush Drawing : Dover Art Instruction - ANSON K CROSS

Light and Shade in Charcoal, Pencil and Brush Drawing


Paperback | 20 May 2010

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An instructional book for intermediate and advanced students, this volume is also a valuable tool for teachers looking to master the principles of light and shade. One of the most in-depth treatments available, it offers a wealth of details on mediums and techniques, including natural and artificial light, gradations, and more.

Author Anson K. Cross begins with studies of chiaro-oscura, or light and shade, and examples of values and their tests. He discusses the aims of students and artists and offers some general advice on technique and method before exploring the specifics of charcoal, pencil, and brush drawing. Sixty-five black-and-white illustrations, many of them drawn by students, appear throughout the book.

Dover (2010) unabridged republication of the edition published by Ginn & Company, Boston, 1897.

Anson K. Cross begins with studies of chiaro-oscura, or light and shade, and examples of values and their tests. He discusses the aims of students and artists and offers some general advice on technique and method before exploring the specifics of charcoal, pencil, and brush drawing. Sixty-five black-and-white illustrations, many of them drawn by students, appear throughout the book.

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