Lippincott's Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans : 9th Edition - Judith M. Schultz

Lippincott's Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans

9th Edition

By: Judith M. Schultz, Sheila L. Videbeck

Paperback | 20 June 2012 | Edition Number 9

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An outstanding resource for students and practicing nurses, the Ninth Edition of Lippincott's Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans contains 52 nursing care plans that address the most commonly encountered behaviors in psychiatric-mental health nursing.

An excellent tool to introduce students to clinical psychiatric experience, the Manual demonstrates use of the nursing process in psychiatric nursing and gives suggestions for specific interventions-with rationale-to address particular behaviors, giving the student a sound basis on which to build clinical skills.

Covering a range of problems and a variety of approaches, the care plans are meant to be adapted and individualized in planning nursing care for each client.

The Ninth Edition has been thoroughly updated and includes new information on complementary and alternative medicine and using the internet; as well as new or expanded appendices on psychopharmacology; side effects of medications and related nursing interventions; and schizoid, histrionic, narcissistic, and avoidant personality disorders.

  • Nursing process provides the framework for care plans
  • Updated NANDA International 2012–2014 nursing diagnoses included
  • New appendix on Care of Clients Receiving Electroconvulsive Therapy
  • New appendix on Medication Side Effects and Nursing Interventions
  • New appendix on Schizoid, Histrionic, Narcissistic, and Avoidant, and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorders
  • Expanded, updated, and reformatted appendix on Psychopharmacology
  • Resources on thePoint include customizable care plans and a sample psychosocial assessment tool

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