About eBookPLUS and studyON vii
How to use this resource viii
Acknowledgements x
Preface xiii
Unit 3 Movement Skills and Energy for Physical Activity 1
Chapter 1 Movement skills 3
1.1 Classification of movement skills 4
1.2 Influences on movement 11
1.3 The link between motor skill development, participation and performance 14
1.4 Qualitative analysis of movement skills 17
Key Skills 24
Chapter Review 26
Chapter summary 26
Exam preparation 26
Chapter 2 Biomechanical principles 31
2.1 Introduction to biomechanics 32
2.2 Using kinetic concepts studied in biomechanics for analysis of human movement 33
2.3 Newton’s laws of motion 43
2.4 Using kinematic concepts studied in biomechanics for analysis of human movement 48
2.5 Using principles of equilibrium, levers, stability and balance for analysis of human movement 57
Key Skills 65
Chapter Review 67
Chapter summary 67
Exam preparation 67
Chapter 3 Coaching and instruction 71
3.1 The direct (traditional) approach to instruction 72
3.2 The constraints-based approach to instruction 76
3.3 Stages of learning 87
3.4 Sociocultural influences on skill development 91
Key Skills 101
Chapter Review 102
Chapter summary 102
Exam preparation 103
Chapter 4 Practice and feedback 107
4.1 Practice amount and distribution 108
4.2 Practice variability 116
4.3 Feedback 128
4.4 Frequency and timing of feedback 134
Key Skills 139
Chapter Review 140
Chapter summary 140
Exam preparation 141
Chapter 5 Energy systems and interplay of energy systems 145
5.1 Adenosine triphosphate (ATP): the body’s energy currency 146
5.2 Energy fuels: converting food to energy 148
5.3 Energy systems and pathways 155
5.4 The ATP–CP system 159
5.5 The anaerobic glycolysis system 164
5.6 The aerobic system 170
5.7 Energy systems at work: interplay of energy systems 179
5.8 The significance of lactate 184
Key Skills 187
Chapter Review 188
Chapter summary 188
Exam preparation 192
Chapter 6 Acute physiological responses to exercise 197
6.1 Acute responses of the cardiovascular system: heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output 198
6.2 Acute responses of the cardiovascular system: blood pressure, redistribution of blood flow, arteriovenous oxygen difference 203
6.3 Acute responses of the respiratory system 206
6.4 Maximum oxygen uptake 209
6.5 Oxygen uptake at rest, oxygen deficit, steady state and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption 213
6.6 Acute responses of the muscular system 216
Key Skills 218
Chapter Review 219
Chapter summary 219
Exam preparation 220
Unit 4 Training to Improve Performance 225
Chapter 7 Activity analysis 227
7.1 What is activity analysis? 228
7.2 Methods of activity analysis: skill frequency 231
7.3 Methods of activity analysis: movement patterns 233
7.4 Methods of activity analysis: heart rates 237
7.5 Methods of activity analysis: work-to-rest ratios 240
7.6 Netball case study 242
Key Skills 247
Chapter Review 248
Chapter summary 248
Exam preparation 249
Chapter 8 Fitness components 253
8.1 Aerobic power and anaerobic capacity 254
8.2 Muscular strength, muscular power and muscular endurance 259
8.3 Speed and agility 265
8.4 Flexibility and balance 269
8.5 Body composition, coordination and reaction time 272
Key Skills 276
Chapter Review 277
Chapter summary 277
Exam preparation 278
Chapter 9 Fitness assessment: rationale and tests 281
9.1 The types of fitness testing 282
9.2 The purpose of fitness testing 285
9.3 How to conduct fitness testing 289
9.4 Fitness tests 291
9.5 Muscular strength, power and endurance tests 305
9.6 Speed and agility tests 319
9.7 Flexibility and body composition tests 326
Key Skills 339
Chapter Review 340
Chapter summary 340
Exam preparation 340
Chapter 10 Monitoring and planning a training program 343
10.1 The design of a training program 344
10.2 Periodisation of training 348
10.3 Components of an exercise training session 353
10.4 Strategies to monitor and record training 359
Key Skills 366
Chapter Review 368
Chapter summary 368
Exam preparation 369
Chapter 11 Training program principles and methods 373
11.1 Specificity, intensity and type of training 374
11.2 Time/duration and frequency 380
11.3 Progression (progressive overload), overtraining and variety 382
11.4 Diminishing returns, reversibility or detraining, maintenance and individuality 386
11.5 Continuous and interval training 389
11.6 Resistance (or weight) training 397
11.7 Flexibility and plyometrics 406
11.8 Circuit and fartlek training 413
Key Skills 416
Chapter Review 417
Chapter summary 417
Exam preparation 418
Chapter 12 Chronic adaptations to training 423
12.1 Chronic training adaptations 424
12.2 Chronic adaptations to aerobic training: cardiovascular 427
12.3 Chronic adaptations to aerobic training: respiratory 433
12.4 Chronic adaptations to aerobic training: muscular 435
12.5 Chronic adaptations to aerobic training: cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular 439
12.6 Chronic adaptations to anaerobic training 442
12.7 Chronic adaptations to resistance training: neuromuscular 446
Key Skills 448
Chapter Review 449
Chapter summary 449
Exam preparation 452
Chapter 13 Performance enhancement and recovery strategies: psychological, nutritional and hydration 457
13.1 Nutritional needs of athletes: a balanced diet 458
13.2 Nutritional needs of athletes: carbohydrates 460
13.3 Nutritional needs of athletes: protein 466
13.4 Nutritional recovery in relation to the type of sport or activity 470
13.5 Hydration needs of athletes 477
13.6 Psychological strategies to enhance performance and aid recovery: sleep, confidence and motivation 484
13.7 Psychological strategies to enhance performance and aid recovery: optimal arousal, mental imagery and concentration 490
Key Skills 499
Chapter Review 500
Chapter summary 500
Exam preparation 501
Glossary 507
Index 515