Lullaby : Watersong : Book 2 - Amanda Hocking


Watersong : Book 2

By: Amanda Hocking

Paperback | 1 December 2012 | Edition Number 1

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Gemma tried not to hate them, but it was just too little, and way too late

Gemma had to disappear with Penn, Lexi and Thea after a night of incredible violence on the island. She can still barely come to terms with her new affinity with the ocean - and the siren powers that go with it. Now she's been transformed, Gemma has no choice but to leave all she loves behind, including Alex. She swears she won't lose her humanity, but the call of the sea is maddening and compulsive.

Harper won't give up on her missing sister. The search draws her closer than she'd like to bohemian Daniel, but she could really use his help. They'd almost given up, until a small news item tells of a horrific murder in a nearby beach town, and Harper thinks she's found the deadly circle. But can Gemma's curse be reversed - and what if she doesn't want to come home?

About the Author

Amanda Hocking is twenty-eight years old, lives in Minnesota and had never sold a single book before 15 April 2010. She has now sold her millionth. Her books have been a self-publishing phenomenon - according to the Observer, Amanda is "the most spectacular example of an author striking gold through ebooks". In her own words, Amanda is an "Obsessive Tweeter. John Hughes mourner. Unicorn enthusiast. Red Bull addict. Muppets activist. Fraggin Aardvarks guitarist. Author of the USA Today bestselling Trylle Trilogy and the Watersong series."

The Watersong Series

Elegy : Watersong : Book 4 - Amanda Hocking
Tidal : Watersong : Book 3 - Amanda Hocking

Other Books By Amanda Hocking

The Hollows : A Hollowland Graphic Novel - Tony Lee

RRP $26.99


Ice Kissed : The Kanin Chronicles : Book 2 - Amanda Hocking
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