Marketing : 9th Edition - An Introduction - Gary Armstrong


9th Edition - An Introduction

By: Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler, Michael Volkov, Swee Ang, Karen Fernandez

Paperback | 23 October 2023 | Edition Number 9

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Today's leading marketing text on creating and capturing customer value.

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Marketing: An Introduction, 9th edition shows students how to create vibrant, interactive communities of consumers who make products and brands an integral part of their daily lives. To help them master this key challenge, the authors present the fundamentals of marketing within an innovative customer-value framework. Students will see how customer value - creating it and capturing it - drives every good marketing strategy.

The ninth Australian edition reflects the major global and local trends and shifting forces that have an impact on marketing in this digital age of customer value, engagement and relationships, striking a careful balance between depth of coverage and ease of learning to enhance student understanding. With engaging learning aids and an emphasis on real marketing, learners will see modern marketing brought to life and gain a richer understanding of basic marketing concepts, strategies and practices.

About the Authors

Gary Armstrong is Crist W Blackwell Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Undergraduate Education in the Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He holds undergraduate and master's degrees in business from Wayne State University in Detroit, and he received his PhD in marketing from Northwestern University in Illinois. Dr Armstrong has contributed numerous articles to leading business journals. As a consultant and researcher, he has worked with many companies on marketing research, sales management and marketing strategy.

But Professor Armstrong's first love has always been teaching. His long-held Blackwell Distinguished Professorship is the only permanent endowed professorship for distinguished undergraduate teaching at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has been very active in the teaching and administration of Kenan-Flagler's undergraduate program. His administrative posts have included Chair of Marketing, Associate Director of the Undergraduate Business Program, Director of the Business Honors Program, and many others. Through the years, he has worked closely with business student groups and has received several UNC campus-wide and Business School teaching awards. He is the only repeat recipient of the school's highly regarded Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, which he received three times. Most recently, Professor Armstrong received the UNC Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching, the highest teaching honour bestowed by the 16-campus University of North Carolina system.

Philip Kotler is Professor Emeritus at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. He received his master' degree at the University of Chicago and his PhD at MIT, both in economics. Dr Kotler is the co-author of Marketing Management (Pearson), now in its 15th edition and the most widely used marketing text in graduate schools of business worldwide. He has authored more than 60 successful books and over 150 articles in leading journals. He is the only three-time winner of the coveted Alpha Kappa Psi award for the best annual article in Journal of Marketing.

Professor Kotler was named the first recipient of four major awards: the Distinguished Marketing Educator of the Year Award and the William L Wilkie 'Marketing for a Better World' Award, both given by the American Marketing Association; the Philip Kotler Award for Excellence in Health Care Marketing presented by the Academy for Health Care Services Marketing; and the Sheth Foundation Medal for Exceptional Contribution to Marketing Scholarship and Practice. He is a charter member of the Marketing Hall of Fame, was voted the first Leader in Marketing Thought by the American Marketing Association and was named the Founder of Modern Marketing Management in Handbook of Management Thinking. His numerous other major honours include the Sales and Marketing Executives International Marketing Educator of the Year Award; the European Association of Marketing Consultants and Trainers Marketing Excellence Award; the Charles Coolidge Parlin Marketing Research Award; and the Paul D Converse Award, given by the American Marketing Association to honour 'outstanding contributions to science in marketing'. A recent Forbes survey ranked Professor Kotler in the top 10 of the world's most influential business thinkers, and, in a Financial Times poll of 1000 senior executives across the world, Professor Kotler was ranked as the fourth 'most influential business writer/guru' of the 21st century. He is considered by many to be the 'father of modern marketing'.

Dr Kotler has served as chairman of the College of Marketing of the Institute of Management Sciences, a director of the American Marketing Association and a trustee of the Marketing Science Institute. He has consulted with many major US and international companies in the areas of marketing strategy and planning, marketing organisation and international marketing. He has travelled and lectured extensively throughout Europe, Asia and South America, advising companies and governments about global marketing practices and opportunities.

Michael Volkov is Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching and Associate Professor of Marketing in the La Trobe Business School, La Trobe University. He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM, AMI) and a Fellow of the Australian Marketing Institute (FAMI). With over 20 years' experience as an educator within the tertiary environment, Michael loves teaching and is passionate about student support. He believes in placing the student at the centre of his endeavours and develops student-centred learning environments. He is an award-winning and recognised leader in the field of teaching and learning, having been the recipient of numerous international, national and institutional teaching and learning awards, including the 2019 and 2017 WJC Banks Award, 2018 ASCILITE Innovation Award, 2015 Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy ANZMAC Distinguished Educator Award, and the 2013 and 2020 Australian Awards for University Teaching.

Michael's research focus is on the fields of both consumer behaviour and education. In the areas of teaching and learning, Michael has addressed investigations including best practice in teaching and learning, online teaching and learning, the ingredients for student engagement, student success, student teamwork, stakeholder perception of graduates, student academic misconduct and student approaches to learning. His research has been published in a number of international journals, including British Journal of Educational Technology; Education + Training; International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning; Information Technology, Education and Society; Australasian Journal of Educational Technology; European Journal of Marketing; Journal of Marketing Management; Journal of Consumer Marketing; Journal of Marketing Communication, Marketing Intelligence and Planning and the Australasian Marketing Journal.

Swee Hoon Ang lives and breathes marketing. As an Associate Professor of Marketing at National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School and former Deputy Head of the Marketing Department, her students are often enthused by her passion in marketing. It comes as no surprise that Swee Hoon has been recognised on three consecutive occasions as an outstanding educator with the university's Teaching Excellence Award, putting her on the honour roll. She was also nominated for the University Outstanding Educator Award. Her marketing mojo is evident in the leading texts Marketing Management: An Asian Perspective and Principles of Marketing: An Asian Perspective, now in their seventh and fifth editions, respectively, which she co-authors with Philip Kotler.

Since obtaining her PhD in Marketing from the University of British Columbia, Swee Hoon has enjoyed eclectic research including consumer happiness, counterfeiting, superstitions and advertising creativity. Her research papers have been published in the Journal of Advertising; the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science; Journal of Business Research; the Journal of Pragmatics; Long Range Planning; Management Science; Marketing Letters; and Social Indicators Research. As of June 2023, Swee Hoon's work has been cited over 15,000 times according to Google Scholar. Her diverse research interests led her into reading on research outside marketing. This passion for acquiring new knowledge connected her with two non-marketing colleagues to write Kiasunomics: Stories of Singaporean Economic Behaviours, which brings behavioural economic research to the general population to help people make sense of what they do so that they learn to make better decisions for a smarter thinking nation. Professionally, Swee Hoon sits on the editorial review board of the Journal of Advertising.

Karen V. Fernandez is Associate Professor of Marketing and Director of Doctoral Studies at the University of Auckland Business School. She received a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Melbourne before completing an MBA and a PhD in Kansas. Karen has published articles in leading international journals, such as the Journal of Consumer Research; the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing; the European Journal of Marketing; the Australasian Marketing Journal and she is an Associate Editor of Consumption, Markets & Culture. Besides receiving two Faculty Research Excellence awards, Karen's passion for teaching marketing has been recognised with four teaching awards, including the 2016 Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy ANZMAC Distinguished Educator Award.

Sven Tuzovic is Associate Professor in Marketing at QUT Business School in Brisbane, Australia. In 2020 he was Visiting Research Scholar at the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University Lincoln Center in New York. Before joining QUT, he was Associate Professor at Pacific Lutheran University and Visiting Professor at Griffith University, Murray State University and the University of New Orleans. He holds a doctoral degree in marketing from the University of Basel in Switzerland, a Master's degree from the Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Germany and a BBA from Georgia Southern University. He specialises in services research and his research interests lie at the intersection of customer experience, technology and wellbeing. His research has been published in leading academic journals including Industrial Marketing Management; Journal of Service Management; Journal of Services Marketing; International Journal of Hospitality Management; and Technological Forecasting and Social Change. He serves as Education Officer for the American Marketing Association (AMA) Special Interest Group SERVSIG and as Associate Editor for the Journal of Services Marketing.

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Published: 20th October 2020

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