European commission research for global climate change studies : towards improved water observations and forecasting capability | p. 3 |
Is man actively changing the environment? | p. 7 |
The global precipitation climatology project | p. 25 |
Oceanic precipitation variability and the North Atlantic oscillation | p. 37 |
Global satellite datasets : data availability for scientists and operational users | p. 49 |
Cloud top microphysics as a tool for precipitation measurements | p. 61 |
The retrieval of cloud top properties using VIS-IR channels | p. 79 |
Cloud microphysical properties retrieval during intense biomass burning events over Africa and Portugal | p. 97 |
3D effects in microwave radiative transport inside precipitating clouds : modeling and applications | p. 113 |
Cloud microphysical properties from remote sensing of lightning within the Mediterranean | p. 127 |
The worth of long-range lightning observations on overland satellite rainfall estimation | p. 135 |
Neural network tools for satellite rainfall estimation | p. 149 |
Passive microwave precipitation measurements at mid- and high latitudes | p. 165 |
The Goddard profiling algorithm (GPROF) : description and current applications | p. 179 |
Past, present and future of microwave operational rainfall algorithms | p. 189 |
Space-borne radar algorithms | p. 199 |
Rain type classification algorithm | p. 213 |
Dual-wavelength radar algorithm | p. 225 |
A next-generation microwave rainfall retrieval algorithm for use by TRMM and GPM | p. 235 |
The University of Birmingham global rainfall algorithms | p. 255 |
Multivariate probability matching for microwave infrared combined rainfall algorithm (MICRA) | p. 269 |
Toward improvements in short-time scale satellite-derived precipitation estimates using blended satellite techniques | p. 281 |
Global rainfall analyses at monthly and 3-h time scales | p. 291 |
CPC MORPHING technique (CMORPH) | p. 307 |
CMAP : the CPC merged analysis of precipitation | p. 319 |
Rainfall estimation using a cloud patch classification map | p. 329 |
Methods for verifying satellite precipitation estimates | p. 345 |
Assessment of satellite rain retrieval error propagation in the prediction of land surface hydrologic variables | p. 357 |
EURAINSAT algorithm validation and intercomparison exercise | p. 369 |
Ground validation for the global precipitation climatology project | p. 381 |
Validation of rainfall algorithms at the NOAA climate prediction center | p. 393 |
Ground networks : are we doing the right thing? | p. 403 |
Aerosol impact on precipitation from convective clouds | p. 421 |
The Wisconsin dynamic/microphysical model (WISCDYMM) and the use of it to interpret satellite-observed storm dynamics | p. 435 |
The European Centre for medium-range weather forecasts global rainfall data assimilation experimentation | p. 447 |
Rainfall assimilation into limited area models | p. 459 |
Implementing an operational chain : the Florence LaMMA Laboratory | p. 471 |
Satellite precipitation algorithms for extreme precipitation events | p. 485 |
Application of a blended MW-IR rainfall algorithm to the Mediterranean | p. 497 |
Retrieving precipitation with GOES, Meteosat, and Terra/MSG at the tropics and mid-latitudes | p. 509 |
Model and satellite analysis of the November 9-10, 2001 Algeria flood | p. 521 |
Modeling microphysical signatures of extreme events in the Western Mediterranean to provide a basis for diagnosing precipitation from space | p. 535 |
Online visualization and analysis : a new avenue to use satellite data for weather, climate, and interdisciplinary research and applications | p. 549 |
The space-based component of the world weather watch's global observing system (GOS) | p. 561 |
The meteosat and EPS/metop satellite series | p. 571 |
The evolution of the NOAA satellite platforms | p. 587 |
Japan's role in the present and future satellite observation for global water cycle research | p. 601 |
International global precipitation measurement (GPM) program and mission : an overview | p. 611 |
Snowfall measurements by proposed European GPM mission | p. 655 |
Observing rain by millimetre-submillimetre wave sounding from geostationary orbit | p. 675 |
The CGMS/WMO virtual laboratory for education and training in satellite matters | p. 693 |
The international precipitation working group : a bridge towards operational applications | p. 705 |
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