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Medical Spanish : A Basic Grammar Guide - Craig Alan Sinkinson

Medical Spanish

A Basic Grammar Guide

By: Craig Alan Sinkinson

Paperback | 20 October 2009

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Medical Spanish: A Basic Grammar Guide is the most extensive grammar guide for health care ever created. Oriented to Medical Spanish, this book is an extremely thorough and practical review of grammar essentials. It provides the "ultimate" method for health care workers to study the language. It is organized into well-defined sections, each of which offers clear and concise explanations and examples of grammar topics. The book also includes verb tenses, examples of everyday usage, and cultural notes. It is a book for all levels of Spanish. And for those in the health care field, there is no better investment, not only as a learning tool, but also as a general reference for Spanish grammar. At 240 pages and encompassing a single volume, it is an indispensable guide for understanding grammar as it relates to Medical Spanish. Undoubtedly, those who use this book will keep it close when evaluating Spanish-speaking patients. In short, they will rely on it and never want to work without it again.

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