Meditation : With White Eagle Guidance - Grace  Cooke


With White Eagle Guidance

By: Grace Cooke

Paperback | 12 January 2000 | Edition Number 3

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Our individual lives can only be completed by their becoming at one with something far greater and more beautiful than our own limited being. Saints and mystics of all ages have through the practice of meditation sought this 'cosmic consciousness' or union with the divine life by which their lives have become enriched with understanding, inner strength and great power of accomplishment. Despite its simple title "Meditation" is really much more than a textbook. It is a deep guide to the whole subject of inner awareness and the reality of what can be discovered through inner exploration, from a teacher of remarkable wisdom, "White Eagle". This completely revised edition of a classic guide to meditation at all levels (including that of the beginner) contains a whole new chapter from his teaching. It also contains additional notes by Grace Cooke's daughter, Ylana Hayward and two poems by Teddy Dent.

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