Meg Cabot
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear"
Meg Cabot was born in Bloomington, Indiana. As a young girl Meg whiled away many hours, reading the complete works of Jane Austen, Judy Blume, and Barbara Cartland.
Armed with a fine arts degree from Indiana University, Meg moved to New York City, intent upon pursuing a career in freelance illustration. Illustrating, however, soon got in the way of Meg's true love, writing, and so she abandoned it and got a job as the assistant manager of an undergraduate dormitory at New York University, writing whenever she had the chance.
The first of her many historical romance novels were written under the name Patricia Cabot.
Film rights to The Princess Diaries were sold to Disney, and a feature length film based on the book was released in August 2001. Film rights to All-American Girl and The Mediator series also went to Disney.
Meggin now writes full time, and lives in New York City with her husband and their one-eyed cat, Henriet
Armed with a fine arts degree from Indiana University, Meg moved to New York City, intent upon pursuing a career in freelance illustration. Illustrating, however, soon got in the way of Meg's true love, writing, and so she abandoned it and got a job as the assistant manager of an undergraduate dormitory at New York University, writing whenever she had the chance.
The first of her many historical romance novels were written under the name Patricia Cabot.
Film rights to The Princess Diaries were sold to Disney, and a feature length film based on the book was released in August 2001. Film rights to All-American Girl and The Mediator series also went to Disney.
Meggin now writes full time, and lives in New York City with her husband and their one-eyed cat, Henriet