Preface to 2nd Edition.
Introduction: What is metaphysics?.
Part I: What Are the Most General Features of the
A. What is existence?.
1. Holes:David Lewis and Stephanie Lewis.
2. On What There Is:W. V. O. Quine.
3. Beyond Being and Nonbeing:Roderick M. Chisholm.
B. What is the relationship between an individual and its
4. Universals: an Excerpt from The Problems of
Philosophy:Bertrand Russell.
5. Universals as Attributes:.
An Excerpt from Universals: an Opinionated Introduction,David M.
6. Universals and Resemblances: Chapter 1 of Thinking and
Experience H. H. Price.
7. The Elements of Being:D.C. Williams.
8. The Identity of Indiscernibles:Max Black.
9. Distinct Indiscernibles and the Bundle Theory:Dean W.
C. What is time? What is space?.
10. Time: an Excerpt from The Nature of Existence:J. McT. E.
11. McTaggart?s Arguments against the Reality of Time: an
Excerpt from Examination of McTaggart?s Philosophy.
C. D. Broad.
12. The Notion of the Present:A. N. Prior.
13. Changes in Events and Changes in Things:A. N. Prior.
14. The General Problem of Time and Change: an Excerpt from
Scientific Thought:C. D. Broad.
15. The Myth of Passage:D. C. Williams.
16. Some Free Thinking about Time:A. N. Prior.
17. The Fourth Dimension: an Excerpt from The Ambidextrous
Universe:Martin Gardner.
18. Incongruent Counterparts and Higher Dimensions:James Van
19. The Traditional Conception of Space, and the Principle of
Extensive Abstraction:.
An Excerpt from Scientific Thought:C. D. Broad.
20. Achilles and the Tortoise: Max Black.
21. A Contemporary Look at Zeno?s Paradoxes: an Excerpt
from Space, Time, and Motion.
Wesley C. Salmon.
22. Grasping the Infinite: Jose A. Benardete.
23. The Paradoxes of Time Travel: David Lewis.
D. How do Things Persist through Changes of Parts and
24. Of Confused Subjects Which Are Equivalent to Two
An Excerpt from The Port-Royal Logic:Antoine Arnauld and Pierre
25. The Paradox of Increase:Eric T. Olson.
26. Identity, Ostension, and Hypostasis:W. V. O. Quine.
27. In Defense of Stages: Postscript B to ?Survival and
David Lewis.
28. The Problem of Temporary Intrinsics: an Excerpt from On the
Plurality of Worlds.
David Lewis.
29. Temporary Intrinsics and Presentism:Dean W. Zimmerman.
E. How do Causes Bring about their Effects?.
30. Constant Conjunction: an Excerpt from A Treatise of Human
David Hume.
31. Efficient Cause and Active Power: an Excerpt from Essays on
the Active Powers of the Human Mind.
Thomas Reid.
32. Psychological and Physical Causal Laws: an Excerpt from The
Analysis of Mind.
Bertrand Russell.
33. Causality: an Excerpt from A Modern Introduction to Logic:
L. Susan Stebbing.
34. Causality and Determination: G. E. M. Anscombe.
Part II: What Is Our Place in the World?:.
A. How Are Mind and Body Related?.
35. Which Physical Thing Am I?: an Excerpt from ?Is There
a Mind?Body Problem??.
Roderick M. Chisholm.
36. Personal Identity: a Materialist Account: Sydney
37. An Argument for Animalism: Eric T. Olson.
38. Divided Minds and the Nature of Persons: Derek Parfit.
39. Personal Identity: the Dualist Theory: Richard
40. The Causal Theory of the Mind: David M. Armstrong.
41. The Puzzle of Conscious Experience: David J. Chalmers.
42. Neutral Monism: an Excerpt from Philosophy: Bertrand
B. Is it Possible for Us to Act Freely?.
43. We Are Never Free: an Excerpt from The System of Nature.
Paul-Henri Dietrich, Baron d?Holbach.
44. Free Will as Involving Determination and Inconceivable
without It.
R. E. Hobart.
45. Freedom, Causation, and Preexistence: an Excerpt from
Problems of Mind and Matter.
John Wisdom.
46. Human Freedom and the Self: Roderick M. Chisholm.
47. The Consequence Argument: Peter van Inwagen.
48. The Mystery of Metaphysical Freedom: Peter van Inwagen.
49. The Agent as Cause: Timothy O?Connor.
50. Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility: Harry G.
51. Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person: Harry G.
Part III: Are There Many Worlds?:.
A. Are There Worlds Other than the Actual World?.
52. Modal Realism at Work: an Excerpt from On the Plurality of
David Lewis.
53. Counterparts of Persons and Their Bodies: David Lewis.
54. Identity and Necessity: Saul Kripke.
B. Is There More than One Actual World?.
55. After Metaphysics, What?: Hilary Putnam.
56. Truth and Convention: Hilary Putnam.
57. Nonabsolute Existence and Conceptual Relativity: an Excerpt
from ?Putnam?s Pragmatic Realism?.
Ernest Sosa.
58. Addendum to ?Nonabsolute Existence and Conceptual
Relativity?: Objections and Replies.
Ernest Sosa.
Part IV: Why Is There a World?:.
59. The Problem of Being: Chapter 3 of Some Problems of
Philosophy: William James.
60. Why Anything? Why This?: Derek Parfit.
61. Response to Derek Parfit: Richard Swinburne.
62. The Cosmological Argument: an Excerpt from A Demonstration
of the Being and Attributes of God.
Samuel Clarke.
63. The Cosmological Argument and the Principle of Sufficient
Reason: William L. Rowe.
64. The Ontological Argument: Chapters II?IV of the
Proslogion: St Anselm.
65. Anselm?s Ontological Arguments: Norman Malcolm.