Foreword. Serge Delrot 1. Grapevine roots and soil environment: growth, distribution and function. Felicidad de Herralde, Robert Save, Xavier Aranda, Carme Biel, M Mar 2. Radiation balance in vineyards. Pilar Baeza, Patricia Sanchez-De-Miguel, Jose Ramon Lissarrague 3. Vegetative growth, total leaf area and surface indexes. Patricia Sanchez de Miguel, Pilar Baeza; Pedro Junquera, Jose Ramon Lissarrague 4. Vegetative growth, reproductive development and vineyard balance. L.G. Santesteban, C. Miranda, J.B. Royo 5. Methodologies for the measurement of water flow in grapevines. J.M. Escalona, M. Ribas-Carbo 6. Methods for assessment of hydraulic conductance and embolism extent in grapevine organs. Claudio Lovisolo, Sara Tramontini 7. Comparison of three operational tools for the assessment of vine water status : stem water potential, carbon isotope discrimination measured on grape sugar and water balance. Cornelis van Leeuwen, Philippe Pieri and Philippe Vivin 8. Gas-exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements in grapevine leaves in the field. Alexander Galle, Jaume Flexas 9. Measuring Water Use Efficiency in Grapevines. Hipolito Medrano, Jaume Flexas, M Ribas Carbo, J. Gulias 10. Use of thermal imaging in viticulture: current application and future prospects. J. Miguel Costa, O.M. Grant, Manuela.M. Chaves 11. Grapevine fruiting cuttings: an experimental system to study grapevine physiology under water deficit conditions. M. Carmen Antolin, Hector Santesteban, Marouen Ayari, Jone Aguirreolea, Manuel Sanchez-Diaz 12. Nutritional deficiencies. Luigi Bavaresco, Matteo Gatti, Mario Fregoni 13. Polyamines in grapevine research. Panagiotis N. Moschou, Kalliopi A. Roubelakis-Angelakis 14. Field assessment and diagnostic methods for detection of grapevine viruses. Giorgio Gambino, Elisa Angelini, Ivana Gribaudo 15. Real-time PCR detection methods for economically important grapevine related bacteria. Matjaz Hren, Tanja Dreo, Jana Skubic, Petra Nikolic, Kristina Gruden, Marina Dermastia, Maja Ravnikar 16. Field assesment and diagnostic methods for detection of grapevine phytoplasmas. Elisa Angelini 17. NITC, new tools to control phytochemical treatments and traceability. Vincent de Rudnicki 18. Isolation and use of protoplasts from grapevine tissues. Natacha Fontes, Hernani Geros, Anastasia K. Papadakis, Serge Delrot, Kalliopi A. Roubelakis-Angelakis 19. RNA extraction from grapevine woody canes for gene expression analysis by real-time RT-PCR. Sophie Bordiec, Fanja Rabenoelina, Florence Mazeyrat-Gourbeyre, Christophe Clement, Fabienne Baillieul 20. A Method for Isolating Total RNA from Mature Buds and other woody tissues of Vitis vinifera. Etti Or 21. RNA extraction from young, acidic berries and other organs from Vitis vinifera L. Charles Romieu 22. Transcriptomics: methods for microarray data analysis and visualization using the Affymetrix GeneChip(R) Vitis vinifera genome array. Karen A. Schlauch, Jerome Grimplet, John Cushman, Grant R. Cramer 23. Visualisation of transcriptomics data in metabolic pathways. Ana Rotter, Matjas Hren, Bjorn Usadel, Kristina Gruden 24. Small RNA extraction and expression analysis by Northern blot. Giorgia Batelli, Giorgio Gambino, Erica Mica, Andrea Schubert, Andrea Carra 25. A Method for Isolating Total Proteins from Mature Buds and other woody tissues of Vitis vinifera. Etti Or 26. Expression analysis in grapevine by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Steven Colas, Lucile Jacquens, Sebastien Manteau, Jerome Devy, Genevieve Conejero, Christophe Clement, Fabienne Baillieul, Florence Mazeyrat-Gourbeyre, Laurence Monti-Dedieu 27. Marker development for important grapevine traits by genetic diversity studies and investigation of differential gene expression. Achim Schmitt, Martina Rex, Stefan Ebert, Wolfgang Friedt, Reinhard Topfer, Eva Zyprian 28. Phenolic maturity in red grapes. Montse Nadal 29. Aromas in grape and wine. Denis Rusjan