PROVISIONAL CONTENTS Volume I 1. Michael E. Porter, 'Interbrand Choice, Media Mix and Market Performance', The American Economic Review, 1976, 66, 2, 398--406. 2. R. E. Caves and M. E. Porter, 'From Entry Barriers to Mobility Barriers: Conjectural Decisions and Contrived Deterrence to New Competition', The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1977, 91, 2, 241--62. 3. Louis S. Bucklin, 'Review of Interbrand Choice, Strategy and Bilateral Market Power', Journal of Marketing Research, 1977, 14, 3, 421--2. 4. R. E. Caves and M. E. Porter, 'Market Structure, Oligopoly and Stability of Market Shares', Journal of Industrial Economics, 1978, 26, 4, 289--313. 5. M. E. Porter, 'The Structure within Industries and Companies' Performance', The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1979, 61, 2, 214--27. 6. R. E. Caves, 'Industrial Organization, Corporate Strategy and Structure', Journal of Economic Literature, 1980, 18, 1, 64--92. 7. Kathryn Rudie Harrigan, 'The Effect of Exit Barriers Upon Strategic Flexibility', Strategic Management Journal, 1980, 1, 2, 165--76. 8. John B. Meisel, 'Entry, Mulitiple-Brand Firms and Market Share Instability', The Journal of Industrial Economics, 1981, 29, 4, 375--84. 9. Michael E. Porter, 'The Contributions of Industrial Organization to Strategic Management', The Academy of Management Review, 1981, 6, 4, 609--20. 10. Anne Sigismund Huff, 'Industry Influences on Strategy Reformulation', Strategic Management Journal, 1982, 3, 2, 119--31. 11. Sharon Oster, 'Intraindustry Structure and the Ease of Strategic Change', The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1982, 64, 3, 376--83. 12. Milton Leontiades, 'A Diagnostic Framework for Planning', Strategic Management Journal, 1983, 4, 1, 11--26. 13. Michael E. Porter, 'Industrial Organization and the Evolution of Concepts for Strategic Planning: The New Learning', Managerial and Decision Economics, 1983, 4, 3, 172--80. 14. Thomas H. Naylor and Celia Thomas, 'Microeconomic Foundations of Corporate Strategy', Managerial and Decision Economics, 1983, 4, 3, 127--35. 15. R. E. Caves, 'Economic Analysis and the Quest for Competitive Advantage', The American Economic Review, 1984, 74, 2, 127--32. 16. W. Graham Astley, 'Toward an Appreciation of Collective Strategy', The Academy of Management Review, 1984, 9, 3, 526--35. 17. Jon M. Hawes and William F. Crittenden, 'A Taxonomy of Competitive Retailing Strategies', Strategic Management Journal, 1984, 5, 3, 275--87. 18. Peter Wright, 'MNC-Third World Business Unit Performance: Application of Strategic Elements', Strategic Management Journal, 1984, 5, 3, 231--40. 19. Aneel Karnani, 'Generic Competitive Strategies: An Analytical Approach', Strategic Management Journal, 1984, 5, 4, 367--80. 20. Lawrence G. Hrebiniak and William F. Joyce, 'Organizational Adaptation: Strategic Choice and Environmental Determinism', Administrative Science Quarterly, 1985, 30, 3, 336--49. 21. Richard P. Nielson, 'Cooperative Strategy', The Academy of Management Review, 1985, 10, 4, 873--5. 22. John McGee and Howard Thomas, 'Strategic Groups: Theory, Research and Taxonomy', Strategic Management Journal, 1986, 7, 2, 141--60. 23. Anil K. Gupta and Vijay Govindarajan, 'Resource Sharing Among SBUs: Strategic Antecedents and Administrative Implications', The Academy of Management Journal, 1986, 29, 4, 695--714. volume II 24. Peter Wright, 'A Refinement of Porter's Strategies', Strategic Management Journal, 1987, 8, 1, 93--101. 25. Mark Smith and Michael C. White, 'Strategy, CEO Specialization, and Succession', Administrative Science Quarterly, 1987, 32, 2, 263--80. 26. Kenneth J. Hatten and Mary Louise Hatten, 'Strategic Groups, Asymmetrical Mobility Barriers and Contestability', Strategic Management Journal, 1987, 8, 4, 329--42. 27. Karel O. Cool and Dan Schendel, 'Strategic Group Formation and Performance: The Case of the US Pharmaceutical Industry, 1963--1982', Management Science, 1987, 33, 9, 1102--24. 28. Richard A. Bettis and David Weeks, 'Financial Returns and Strategic Interaction: The Case of Instant Photography', Strategic Management Journal, 1987, 8, 6, 549--63. 29. Gareth R. Jones and John E. Butler, 'Costs, Revenue, and Business-Level Strategy', The Academy of Management Review, 1988, 13, 2, 202--13. 30. Dennis A. Yao, 'Beyond the Reach of the Invisible Hand: Impediments to Economic Activity, Market Failures, and Profitability', Strategic Management Journal, 1988, 9, 59--70. 31. Adrian B. Ryans, 'Strategic Market Entry Factors and Market Share Achievement in Japan', Journal of International Business Studies, 1988, 19, 3, 389--409. 32. Dean F. Amel and Stephen A. Rhoades, 'Strategic Groups in Banking', The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1988, 70, 4, 685--9. 33. Cynthia A. Montgomery, Birger Wernerfelt, and Srinivasan Balakrishnan, 'Strategy Content and the Research Process: A Critique and Commentary', Strategic Management Journal, 1989, 10, 2, 189--97. 34. Suresh Kotha and Daniel Orne, 'Generic Manufacturing Strategies: A Conceptual Synthesis', Strategic Management Journal, 1989, 10, 3, 211--31. 35. Warren Boeker, 'Strategic Change: The Effects of Founding and History', The Academy of Management Journal, 1989, 32, 3, 489--515. 36. Paul M. Hirsch, Ray Friedman, and Mitchell P. Koza, 'Collaboration or Paradigm Shift? Caveat Emptor and the Risk of Romance with Economic Models for Strategy and Policy Research', Organization Science, 1990, 1, 1, 87--97. 37. Henry Mintzberg, 'The Design School: Reconsidering the Basic Premises of Strategic Management', Strategic Management Journal, 1990, 11, 3, 171--95. 38. Jay B. Barney and Robert E. Hoskisson, 'Strategic Groups: Untested Assertions and Research Proposals', Managerial and Decision Economics, 1990, 11, 3, 187--98. 39. Gregory S. Carpenter and Kent Nakamoto, 'Competitive Strategies for Late Entry into a Market with a Dominant Brand', Management Science, 1990, 36, 10, 1268--78. 40. Paul J. H. Schoemaker, 'Strategy, Complexity and Economic Rent', Management Science, 1990, 36, 10, 1178--92. 41. J. Carlos Jarillo and Jon I. Martinez, 'Different Roles for Subsidiaries: The Case of Multinational Corporations in Spain', Strategic Management Journal, 1990, 11, 7, 501--12. 42. John A. Kay, 'Economics and Business', The Economic Journal, 1991, 101, 404, 57--63. 43. Francois Bergeron, Chantal Butean, and Louis Raymond, 'Identification of Strategic Information Systems Opportunities: Applying and Comparing Two Methodologies', MIS Quarterly, 1991, 15, 1, 89--103. 44. David J. Collis, 'A Resource-Based Analysis of Global Competition: The Case of the Bearings Industry', Strategic Management Journal, 1991, 12, 49--68. 45. Kendall Roth, David M. Schweiger, and Allen J. Morrison, 'Global Strategy Implementation at the Business Unit Level: Operational Capabilities and Administrative Mechanisms', Journal of International Business Studies, 1991, 22, 3, 369--402. volume iii 46. Henry Mintzberg, 'Learning 1, Planning 0: Reply to Igor Ansoff', Strategic Management Journal, 1991, 12, 6, 463--6. 47. Jon I. Martinez and J. Carlos Jarillo, 'Coordination Demands of International Strategies', Journal of International Business Studies, 1991, 22, 3, 429--44. 48. Terry Clark, 'Review of The Competitive Advantage of Nations', Journal of Marketing, Oct. 1991, 188--90. 49. Michael E. Porter, 'Towards a Dynamic Theory of Strategy', Strategic Management Journal, 1991, 12, 95--117. 50. Ian MacLachlan, 'Plant Closure and Market Dynamics: Competitive Strategy and Rationalization', Economic Geography, 1992, 68, 2, 128--45. 51. David Knights, 'Changing Spaces: The Disruptive Impact of a New Epistemological Location for the Study of Management', The Academy of Management Review, 1992, 17, 3, 514--36. 52. Kendall Roth, 'International Configuration and Coordination Archetypes for Medium-Sized Firms in Global Industries', Journal of International Business Studies, 1992, 23, 3, 533--49. 53. Mariann Jelinek, 'Review of The Competitive Advantage of Nations', Administrative Science Quarterly, 1992, 37, 3, 507--10. 54. Kendall Roth and Allen J. Morrison, 'Implementing Global Strategy: Characteristics of Global Subsidiary Mandates', Journal of International Business Studies, 1992, 23, 4, 715--35. 55. Andrew M. Pettigrew, 'The Character and Significance of Strategy Process Research', Strategic Management Journal, 1992, 13, 5--16. 56. Margaret A. Peteraf, 'Intra-Industry Structure and the Response Toward Rivals', Managerial and Decision Economics, 1993, 14, 6, 519--28. 57. Claudio Carpano, James J. Chrisman, and Kendall Roth, 'International Strategy and Environment: An Assessment of the Performance Relationship', Journal of International Business Studies, 1994, 25, 3, 639--56. 58. Pierre Dussauge and Bernard Garrette, 'Determinants of Success in International Strategic Alliances: Evidence from the Global Aerospace Industry', Journal of International Business Studies, 1995, 26, 3, 505--30. 59. Karen Palmer, Wallace E. Oates, and Paul R. Portney, 'Tightening Environmental Standards: The Benefit-Cost or the No-Cost Paradigm?', The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1995, 9, 4, 119--32. 60. Joel A. C. Baum, 'The Changing Basis of Competition in Organizational Populations: The Manhattan Hotel Industry, 1898--1990', Social Forces, 74, 1. 61. Ajay Mehra, 'Resource and Market-Based Determinants of Performance in the US Banking Industry', Strategic Management Journal, 1996, 17, 4, 307--22. 62. Joel A. C. Baum and Helaine J. Korn, 'Competitive Dynamics of Interfirm Rivalry', The Academy of Management Journal, 1996, 39, 2, 255--91. 63. Jean-Jacques Laffont and Quang Vuong, 'Structural Analysis of Auction Data', The American Economic Review, 1996, 86, 2, 414--20. 64. Rebecca Henderson and Will Mitchell, 'The Interactions of Organizational and Competitive Influences on Strategy and Performance', Strategic Management Journal, 1997, 18, 5--14. 65. Mona V. Makhija, Kwangsoo Kim, and Sandra D. Williamson, 'Measuring Globalization of Industries Using a National Industry Approach: Empirical Evidence across Five Countries and over Time', Journal of International Business Studies, 1997, 28, 4, 679--710. 66. Howard P. Tuckman, 'Competition, Commercialization, and the Evolution of Nonprofit Organizational Structures', Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 1998, 17, 2, 175--94. 67. Alan M. Rugman and Alain Verbeke, 'Corporate Strategies and Environmental Regulations: An Organizing Framework', Strategic Management Journal, 1998, 19, 4, 363--75. volume iv 68. Charles B. Stabell and A ystein D. Fjeldstad, 'Configuring Value for Competitive Advantage: On Chains, Shops, and Networks', Strategic Management Journal, 1998, 19, 5, 413--37. 69. James H. Taggart, 'Strategy Shifts in MNC Subsidiaries', Strategic Management Journal, 1998, 19, 7, 663--81. 70. David P. Lindahl and William B. Beyers, 'The Creation of Competitive Advantage by Producer Service Establishments', Economic Geography, 1999, 75, 1, 1--20. 71. Julian Birkinshaw and Neil Hood, 'Characteristics of Foreign Subsidiaries in Industry Clusters', Journal of International Business Studies, 2000, 31, 1, 141--54. 72. Lance Eliot Brouthers, Steve Werner, and Erika Matulich, 'The Influence of Triad Nations' Environments on Price-Quality Product Strategies and MNC Performance', Journal of International Business Studies, 2000, 31, 1, 39--62. 73. Ulf Elg, 'Firms' Home-Market Relationships: Their Role When Selecting International Alliance Partners', Journal of International Business Studies, 2000, 31, 1, 169--77. 74. Colin Campbell-Hunt, 'What Have We Learned about Generic Competitive Strategy? A Meta-Analysis', Strategic Management Journal, 2000, 21, 2, 127--54. 75. Richard N. Langlois, 'Strategy and the Market Process: Introduction to the Special Issue', Managerial and Decision Economics, 22, 4/5, 163--8. 76. Paul L. Robertson and Tony F. Yu, 'Firm Strategy, Innovation and Consumer Demand: A Market Process Approach', Managerial and Decision Economics, 2001, 22, 4/5, 183--99. 77. Tomo Noda and David J. Collis, 'The Evolution of Intraindustry Firm Heterogeneity: Insights from a Process Study', The Academy of Management Journal, 2001, 44, 4, 897--925. 78. Yiannis E. Spanos and Spyros Lioukas, 'An Examination into the Causal Logic of Rent Generation: Contrasting Porter's Competitive Strategy Framework and the Resource-Based Perspective', Strategic Management Journal, 2001, 22, 10, 907--34. 79. Michael Song, Roger J. Calantone, and C. Anthony Di Benedetto, 'Competitive Forces and Strategic Choice Decisions: An Experimental Investigation in the United States and Japan', Strategic Management Journal, 2002, 23, 10, 969--78. 80. Michael E. Porter and Mariko Sakakibara, 'Competition in Japan', The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2004, 18, 1, 27--50. 81. Joan Enric Ricart et al., 'New Frontiers', Journal of International Business Studies, 2004, 35, 3, 175--200. 82. Thomas W. Ross, 'Viewpoint: Canadian Competition Policy: Progress and Prospects', The Canadian Journal of Economics, 2004, 37, 2, 243--68.