Michelle Bridges Total Body Transformation : Revised and updated edition of Crunch Time - Michelle Bridges

Michelle Bridges Total Body Transformation

Revised and updated edition of Crunch Time

By: Michelle Bridges

Paperback | 17 April 2014

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Sometimes it's good to shake things up a bit!  Welcome to my Total Body Transformation.

Since my first bestseller Crunch Time was published, I've been inspired by so many people who have turned their lives around that it feels like the right time to bring that book bang up to date.  I'm proud of what we've all achieved in the last few years.

So here it is, with extra recipes, updated information and a streamlined look - practical advice and expert knowledge to help you lose weight, get fit and take charge of your health and wellbeing.

  • Intensive 12-week workout program
  • Comprehensive menu plans
  • Delicious, nutrition-packed recipes anyone can prepare
  • Motivational techniques to get the most from your training
  • Hints and tips for gaining confidence
So, a new look for a new you - fitter, leaner and happier.
Industry Reviews
Michelle Bridges' books include Crunch Time, Australian Calorie Counter, Crunch Time Cookbook, Losing the Last 5 Kilos, 5 Minutes a Day, The No Excuses Cookbook, Everyday Weight Loss, Your Best Body and Get Real.

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