Introduction: What is Microwave Processing? (D.E. Clark and D.C.
Microwave Processing of Ceramic Materials (W.H. Sutton).
Principles of Industrial Microwave and RF Heating (R.F.
Fundamental Interaction Mechanisms Between Microwaves and Matter
(R.E. Newnham, S.J. Jang, M. Xu, and F. Jones).
Microwave Material Interactions and Process Design Modeling (W.R.
Modeling of Multi-Frequency Microwave Sintering of ZnO Ceramic (A.
Birman, B. Levush, Y. Carmel, D. Gershon, D. Dadon, L.P. Martin and
M. Rosen).
Equipment Safety for Microwave and Radio Frequency Processing of
Ceramics (J.F. Gerling).
Fundamentals and Application of Dielectric Heating Technologies for
Materials Processing: A Review (J.W. Cresko).
Microwave Drying of Electrical Porcelain: A Feasibility Study (W.A.
Hendrix and T. Martin).
Microwave Energy Versus Convected Hot Air for Rapidly Drying
Ceramic Tile (D.A. Earl, D.E. Clark, and R.L. Schulz).
Microwave Sintering Kilogram Batches of Silicon Nitride (P.A. Apte
and W.D. MacDonald).
Sintering of Traditional Ceramics By Microwaves (84 GHz and 2.45
GHz) (S. Takayama, M. Mizuno, S. Obata, T. Shimada, K. Satake, M.
Sato, T. Mutoh, T. Shimotuma, S. Ito, K. Ida, T. Inoue, K. Esaki,
O. Motojima and M. Fujiwara).
Microwave Plasma Sintering of Alumina (M.P. Sweeney and D.L.
Microwave Processing of Ceramics, Composites and Metallic Materials
(D. Agrawal, J. Cheng, Y. Fang and R. Roy).
Microwave Plasma Synthesis of Nanoparticles: Application of
Microwave to Produce New Materials (D.V. Szabo, D. Vollath and W.
Hybrid Microwave Firing of Heavy Clay Products (G.V.A. Tayler, M.
Anderson and M. Hamlyn).
Annealing and Self-Healing of Microwaved Ceramics (M.S. Morrow,
D.E. Schnechter, P.A. Eggleston, H.E. Huey and Q.S. Wang).
Enhancement of Cutting Performance of Cemented Carbide Cutting
Tools (Microwave Treatment by S. Aravindan, J. Ramkumar, S.K.
Malhotra and R. Krishnamurthy).
Microwave Heating of Glass (U. Kolberg and H. Roemer).
Surface Modification of Sodium Aluminosilicate Glasses Using
Microwave Energy (Z. Fathi, I. Ahmad, J.H. Simmons, D.E. Clark and
A.R. Lodding).
Microwave Crystallization of Glass (A. Boonyapiwat, D.C. Folz and
D.E. Clark).
Microwave Joining of Engineering Ceramics (J.G.P. Binner, P.A.
Davis, T.E. Cross and J.A. Fernie).
Auto Ignition Synthesis and Microwave Sintering of Nanocrystalline
Ceramics (S.B. Bhaduri, W.R. Tinga, J.G. Huang, E.H. Zhou and S.
Designing Industrial Microwave Heating Systems for Safe Operation:
Batch Ovens (R.F. Schiffmann).
A Technical Review of Equipment and Methods for Waveguide Power
Measurement in Microwave Heating Applications (J.F. Gerling).
Sintering of Ceramics Using Low-Frequency RF Power (J.B.O.
Caughman, D.J. Hoffman, F.W. Baity, M.A. Akerman, S.C. Forrester
and M.D. Kass).
Materials Processing Via Variable Frequency Microwave Irradiation
(R.S. Garard, Z. Fathi and J.B. Wei).
MM-Wave Processing of Ceramics (G. Link, W. Bauer, A. Weddigen,
H.-J. Ritzhaupt-Kleissl and M. Thumm).
Temperature Measurements in a 2.45 GHz Microwave Furnace (D.J.
Grellinger and M.A. Janney).
Temperature Measurement in Microwave-Heated Silicon Wafers (K.
Thompson, J.H. Booske, R.F. Cooper, Y.B. Gianchandani and S.
Scanning Dielectric Analysis-Another Analytical Tool for Ceramics
Studies (R.M. Hutcheon, J. Mouris, P. Hayward and C. Pickles)
Microwave and RF Energy Utilization - Expert and Audience
Perspectives (W.R. Tinga).
Dielectric Heating: EPRI's Perspective on the Market and the
Technology (C. Gellings).
Commercialization - Steps to Successful Applications and Scaleup
(B. Krieger).
Commercializing Microwave Systems: Paths to Success or Failure
(R.F. Schiffmann).
An Industrial Application of Microwave Heating: Continuous Drying
of Inorganic Salts (J.I. Ortigosa).
Scaling Up the Microwave Firing of Ceramics (F.C.R. Wroe).
Microwave-Assisted Processing - From Laboratory to Production (S.M.
Parallam - New Structural Wood Composite (M.C. Churchland).