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Midlife Manifesto : A toolkit to plan the rest of your life - Jane Mathews

Midlife Manifesto

A toolkit to plan the rest of your life

By: Jane Mathews

Paperback | 1 November 2014

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Have you ever looked at your life and wondered “is this it?” Midlife Manifesto will inspire you to achieve the transformation you deserve and create the plan to make it happen. From health, financial independence and spirituality, to relationships and making your home a sanctuary, this is a one-stop shop of ideas and resources to motivate you, the magnificent midlife woman. Sharing her own ups and downs with candour and humour, Jane Mathews guides you towards what really works and supplies a well-curated toolkit to help write a blueprint for your future.

About the Author

Jane Mathews is a global brand expert, successfully guiding companies to brand everything from corn flakes to diamonds, before turning her skills upon herself. Rather than take the well- trodden path to Italy, India and Indonesia, Jane’s journey of self discovery and transformation took place in a red doored house in Paddington, Sydney which she shares with her teenage son and his Jeff Koon sized shoes, her naughty daughter, and Rory the farting Airedale.

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