Millie Marotta's Animal Kingdom : Millie Marotta - Millie Marotta

Millie Marotta's Animal Kingdom

By: Millie Marotta

Hardcover | 12 November 2015

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A handsome gift edition of the No.1 bestselling Millie Marotta's Animal Kingdom to treasure forever.

A colouring book to keep and treasure forever. The wonderful illustrations from Millie Marotta's Animal KIngdom are reproduced here on the thickest paper yet (180 gsm) on one side only, including 13 gatefolds and with five additional prints that can be pulled out of an envelope at the back of the book.

One of these prints is completely new. These prints are ideal for framing. This is an edition for all Millie fans and even those new to her work who want something special to record their creative colouring and drawing or indeed just a beautiful collection of illustrations.

The book is linen bound with screenprinted illustrations and foiling that add a new dimension to Millie's work.

It is, quite simply, a beautiful book.

Millie Marotta's Colouring Book Adventures