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Millionaire Mindset Mastery - Richard Avant

Millionaire Mindset Mastery

Author: Richard Avant

Read by: David Martin

At a Glance

Published: 24th September 2020

Digital Audiobook

RRP $19.06



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B???ming a milli?n?ir? i? l?rg?l? a matter ?f mental ?ttitud?. If ??u are d?t?rmin?d t? b???m? one, ??u will. In th? f?ll?wing ?x?m?l??, I prepare ??u for this tr?n?f?rm?ti?n by ??ntr??ting th? ?ttitud?? ?f "millionaires" with "?v?r?g? people."
Thi? is n?t t? ??? th?t ?ll milli?n?ir?? have the right attitude, ?nd ?ll ?v?r?g? ????l? don't. I ?m ?im?l? u?ing milli?n?ir?? and ?v?r?g? people as ??mb?l? f?r h?w active, ?r????r?u? people think. It? diff?r?n??? in attitude, not makes ?f ??r? or brands ?f shoes. Thi? i? n?t ?b?ut ???i?l ?n?bb?r?. If you want to be a milli?n?ir?, think like ?n?. You don't n??d th? car ?r the ?h???, but ??u do n??d th? ?utl??k.
In thi? book, I d???rib?, in-d??th, how to d?v?l?? a "milli?n?ir? mind??t" and ???l? it t? ??ur career t? b???m? ?n? ?f th? ?u?????ful millionaires.
F?r thi? book I h?v? ?r???r?d it d?wn ??m? ?im?l? steps to apply a milli?n?ir? mind??t t? m??t?r your g??l?/bu?in????? ?nd v?ntur??:
Milli?n?ir?? ?r? leaders because th?? promote th?ir values ?nd b?n?fit?: Average ????l? kn?w th?t n? ?n? ??r?? about their values, and they d?n't w?nt t? b? ?u?h?. Take three minut?? t? talk ?b?ut ??ur??lf with ????l? who will b???m? intrigued by what ??u ?t?nd f?r. U?? the time w?ll.
Millionaires ??u?? things to happen: Av?r?g? ????l? have thing? h????n t? them. If ??u feel ??m??n? i? m?r? r????n?ibl? th?n ??u f?r something th?t has h????n?d in ??ur lif?, g??d ?r b?d, r?t?ll the ?t?r? t?king full r????n?ibilit? f?r wh?t ???urr?d.
W?nt t? l??rn more? C?m? ?nd ?x??ri?n?? it fr?m thi? n?w b??k


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