Missionville - Alex Brown


By: Alex Brown

Paperback | 22 September 2017

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Greed. Desperation. Humanity.

PETE FELL IN LOVE WITH HORSES, then devoted his career to training racehorses at Missionville, a low level racetrack in rural Pennsylvania where horses and humans depend on each other - just to survive. He quickly learns that winning at the races isn't easy under ordinary circumstances, and that some successes at Missionville aren't the result of luck or talent - but flagrant cheating.

Thanks to a potential love interest, plus death, deception, and more Pete opens his eyes to what's really going on around him tosdiscover he doesn't want to playsthe game anymore. A push insthe right direction sends Peteson a journey that leads himsfrom Harrisburg to Quebec in an effort to help restore a bit ofshumanity to the racing world.

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