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Mitigating Misery : An Inquiry into the Political and Humanitarian Aspects of U. S. and Global Refugee Policy :  An Inquiry into the Political and Humanitarian Aspects of U. S. and Global Refugee Policy - Robert F. Gorman

Mitigating Misery : An Inquiry into the Political and Humanitarian Aspects of U. S. and Global Refugee Policy

An Inquiry into the Political and Humanitarian Aspects of U. S. and Global Refugee Policy

By: Robert F. Gorman

Hardcover | 1 December 1992

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With over seventeen million refugees inhabiting the globe today, this book addresses this dramatic 20th century phenomenon and several of the issues it raises. Gorman examines how refugee situations arise and the way in which they are addressed by the various global actors: governments, U.N. agencies, and private voluntary organizations.
Industry Reviews
A thoughtful and comprehensive review by a man who has had both practical and theoretical experience. Provides a wide-ranging perspective and also recounts many personal experiences. -- W. R. Smyser, former Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees and Director of the U.S. State Department Refugee Program ..the book reads sometimes like a travel guide, with its descriptions of sunsets and the park outside the Geneva officesof UNHCR, sometimes like a memoir and sometimes like a lecture series. To his credit, the emphasis on the positive elements of humanitarian operations is a welcome reminder of what is good in international cooperation. Journal Of Refugee Studies This is the most comprehensive study of refugee policy available, The study is full of wisdom of the classics. The most comprehensive, balanced study of refugee policy available today, full of classical wisdom, common sense, and humanitarian sensibility, as well as a profound respect for the role of the individual in humanitarian issues in a world of power politics. -- Howard Adelman, Director, Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, Toronto This is the most comprehensive study of refugee policy available, The study is full of wisdom of the classics. The most comprehensive, balanced study of refugee policy available today, full of classical wisdom, common sense, and humanitarian sensibility, as well as a profound respect for the role of the individual in humanitarian issues in a world of power politics. -- Howard Adelman, Director, Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, Toronto A thoughtful and comprehensive review by a man who has had both practical and theoretical experience. Provides a wide-ranging perspective and also recounts many personal experiences. -- W. R. Smyser, former Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees and Director of the U.S. State Department Refugee Program ..the book reads sometimes like a travel guide, with its descriptions of sunsets and the park outside the Geneva officesof UNHCR, sometimes like a memoir and sometimes like a lecture series. To his credit, the emphasis on the positive elements of humanitarian operations is a welcome reminder of what is good in international cooperation. Journal Of Refugee Studies

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