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Money School : Become financially independent and reclaim your life - Lacey Filipich

Money School

Become financially independent and reclaim your life

By: Lacey Filipich

Paperback | 18 February 2020 | Edition Number 1

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Product Description
From the founder of Money School comes an approachable and inspiring guide to taking control of your money and your time so you can build the life you really want.

‘Time poor’ is the catch-cry of our era, and yet end-of-life retirement means we have an average of two decades of feeling time rich to look forward to . . . when we’re old. How arse-about is that?

But there is an alternative to working your butt off for decades and retiring when you’re worn out: it’s called financial independence, and it means being able to cover life’s essentials and afford the luxuries you want without having to turn up to a job each day.

Imagine: the freedom and flexibility to work if, when and where you like, go travelling, spend time with family or start that business you’ve been dreaming of. And with enough time and a way to earn, it’s achievable for most people through the power of passive income.

Lacey Filipich knows because she’s done it herself – and has been teaching the strategies and steps for financial independence for a decade through her education company, Money School. Now, she’ll teach you all her tried-and-true lessons for redesigning your personal finances to create the life you really want.

From maximising your income and cutting costs without big sacrifice, to property, shares and retirement funds, Money School explains exactly how to build a passive income that will completely change your life.

Take control of how you spend your time and money to make them work for you – and get on the fast track to being financially independent and time rich.

About the Author

Lacey Filipich helps people become financially independent and reclaim their lives. She founded Money School in 2010 to build financial capability in adults and Maker Kids Club in 2017 to teach children money skills through enterprise. Thousands of people around the world have used Lacey’s courses to liberate themselves from debt, start saving and get on the path to independence.

Lacey graduated as valedictorian from the University of Queensland with an Honours degree in Chemical Engineering. She is a TEDx speaker and the winner of a 2019 Business News '40 under 40' Award.
Industry Reviews
“Lacey manages to marry her pragmatic, engineering-trained mind with her obvious passion for education around money. Money School may well spark a generation of readers who discover the freedom of being financially independent decades before they otherwise might have.”
Georgie Dent, Author Of Breaking Badly

“If you’ve ever wondered where your money goes – and should go – Money School spells it out in black and white. Lacey’s approach to financial independence is raw, relatable, and totally achievable.”
Jules Lund, Founder Of Tribe

“Money School is not only informative and helpful, but it is also super entertaining and easy to read. Most importantly, it is easy to understand how to apply Lacey’s wisdom. The models, the practical examples and the way she is breaking down the road to financial independence and a time-rich life are exceptional. This is not just about finances, but about sharpening your mind on how the “inputs” you work through create the “outputs” you experience.”
Alexander Meyer, Chief Marketing Officer, The Iconic

“This book makes perfect sense: it is jargon-free and very readable. It tells you how to optimise the best things in life, reach financial security and be able to give back to the world. I loved it and think you will too.”
Lyn Beazley, Neuroscientist, Educator And Ambassador For Financial Toolbox

“It’s one thing to tell people what they ought to do with their money; it’s another to actually show them how to do it, and to successfully fuse the ‘how’ with the ‘why’. This is what Money School does. It’s a wake-up call that many of us need, including me – someone who reads a lot of good personal finance books.”
Bianca Hartge-Hazelman, Women’s Money Columnist And Journalist, And Founder Of The Financy Women’s Index

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