Immersing students in the world of French language and culture,
Motifs, Enhanced: An Introduction to French, Enhanced, Enhanced Sixth Edition, continues to set the standard for first-year French courses. Students learn through lively, culturally authentic contexts that enable them to communicate on larger, real-life themes, such as housing, school, food, work, and relationships. Offering a systematic study of French, the MOTIFS program provides the structures, vocabulary, communication strategies, and cultural background that enable students to think critically about different points of view, to share about themselves, and to learn about others.
The sixth edition maintains its most popular readings while updating others and adding new readings to foster cross-cultural comparisons. Readings are also now enhanced with audio. Packed with digital resources, the iLrn Heinle Learning center also includes numerous enhancements, including new “Vidéo Voyages!” Francophone culture videos and improved instructor functionalities to facilitate assigning activities, providing feedback, and customizing your eBook. The enhanced edition also includes a brand new “Vidéothèque” section at the end of each chapter, with activities linked to thematic cultural videos on iLrn and DVD.
New to this Edition
- Improved functionalities give instructors the ability to edit or delete text in the MOTIFS eBook, as well as specify a due time for student assignments.
- Students receive automatic notifications when instructors leave feedback on activities.
- “Vidéo Voyages!” videos exploring the Francophone world have been added to the iLrn video library to enhance the MOTIFS culture program.
- A new “Vidéothèque” section is included at the end of each chapter, with activities linked to thematic cultural videos on iLrn and DVD.
About the Authors
Kimberly Jansma
Kimberly Jansma directs the French Language Program at The University of California at Los Angeles, where she supervises teaching instructors and teaches language, culture, and linguistics courses. She has published pedagogical texts and multimedia materials and presents her research at major conferences. Dr. Jansma's areas of interest include hybrid language instruction, second language acquisition, and sociolinguistics. She received her Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Texas at Austin.
Margaret Ann Kassen
Margaret Ann Kassen, who received her Ph.D. at the University of Texas at Austin, is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D. C. She teaches undergraduate French and applied linguistics courses and works with graduate and undergraduate teacher preparation. Her research interests include foreign language writing, performance assessment, technology-enhanced language learning, and instructor development. In addition to presenting at conferences, Dr. Kassen has published articles on technology and writing and edited a volume on developing self-direction in foreign language learners.