Ms. Marvel : Last Days : Volume 4 - Adrian Alphona

Ms. Marvel

Last Days : Volume 4

By: Adrian Alphona (Illustrator), G. Willow Wilson

Paperback | 8 December 2015 | Edition Number 1

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When the world is about to end, do you still keep fighting? From the moment, Kamala put on her costume, she's been challenged, but nothing has prepared her for this: the Last Days of the Marvel Universe. Fists up, let's do this, Jersey City. Plus a VERY special guest appearance fans have been clamouring for!


About the Author

Gwendolyn Willow Wilson, known professionally as G. Willow Wilson, is an American comics writer, prose author, essayist, and journalist. She lived in Egypt during her early twenties; her first graphic novel,Cairo (Vertigo, 2007), was based there and was listed as a top graphic novel for teens by both the American Library Association and the School Library Journal. Her comic series Air was nominated for the Eisner Award, and her first novel, Alif the Unseen, won the 2013 World Fantasy Award.

Wilson is herself Muslim, and writes Ms. Marvel, a comic series starring a 16-year-old Muslim shapeshifter superhero named Kamala Khan.

Ms. Marvel Graphic Novels

Ms. Marvel Vol. 6 : Civil War Ii - G. Willow Wilson
Crushed : Ms. Marvel : Volume 3 - Takeshi Miyazawa

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Ms. Marvel : Generation Why : Volume 2 - Adrian Alphona

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