Muller Van Severen : Works 2011-21 - Jan Boelen

Muller Van Severen

Works 2011-21

By: Jan Boelen (Editor), Arno Brandlhuber (Text by), Beatrice Galilee (Text by), Sam Chermayeff (Text by), Fred Muller (Photographer)

Hardcover | 15 February 2022

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Muller Van Severen is a joint design project of the photographer Fien Muller and artist Hannes Van Severen. The work of photographer Fien Muller and artist Hannes Van Severen lies on the edge between art and design: they favour functional furniture with refined shapes and contours, but at the same time the pieces also have something fragile and frivolous about them. Muller and Van Severen have been working together for a decade and during this time, the combination of their family roots, work process, and the use of simple industrial materials in combination with a rich colour palette have created an influential body of work – elementary forms shape functional sculptures that grow into vibrant spaces.

Through conversations and visual references, dialogue unveils the origins, the complexity, and the references embedded in the DNA of Muller Van Severen’s work. Curator Jan Boelen leads an exploration of the designers’ universe, through interviews with Fien Muller and Hannes Van Severen, curator and critic Beatrice Galilee, and architects Arno Brandhuber and Sam Chermayeff.

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About the Authors

Jan Boelen is a curator of design, architecture and contemporary art. He is the initiator of Manifesta 9. He studied Product Design at the Media & Design Academy in Genk, and he is the founder and former artistic director of Z33 - house for contemporary art in Hasselt, Belgium. Beatrice Galilee is a curator, writer, critic, consultant and lecturer of contemporary architecture and design.

Arno Brandlhuber is the founder of brandlhuber+ in Berlin and holds the chair of architecture and urban research at the Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg.

Sam Chermayeff is an architect and co-founder of s June14 MeyerGrohbrügge & Chermayef

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