My Family and Other Animus - James Jeffrey

My Family and Other Animus

By: James Jeffrey

Paperback | 30 April 2018

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For the young James Jeffrey, the day his parents split was like the splitting of the atom. Life took on a seismic instability filled with madness and strain and vendetta and daftness and acts of love, both beautiful and misguided.

Yet, what could have been a calamitous upbringing turned instead into an education. For better or worse, his family handed out lessons that would guide him through life, into marriage, and eventually parenthood. My Family and Other Animus is an ode to his family.

About the Author

James Jeffrey was conceived in Hungary, born in Britain, and raised in Australia. He is the Strewth columnist, from which My Family and Other Animus derives, and parliamentary sketch writer for The Australian. He lives in Sydney with his wife and two children.

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