My Left Foot - Christy Brown

My Left Foot

By: Christy Brown

Paperback | 6 December 1990 | Edition Number 1

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Christy Brown was born a victim of cerebral palsy. But the hapless, lolling baby concealed the brilliantly imaginative and sensitive mind of a writer who would take his place among the giants of Irish literature.

This is Christy Brown's own story. He recounts his childhood struggle to learn to read, write, paint and finally type, with the toe of his left foot. In this manner he wrote his bestseller Down all the Days.

About the Author

Christy Brown was born in 1932. He was one of 23 children born to a Dublin bricklayer. A victim of cerebral palsy, he could not control his speech or his movement, apart from his left foot. This enabled him to paint and type this autobiography. He later wrote an autobiographical novel, Down all the Days, which was very successful. His novels include A Promising Career, A Shadow on Summer and Wild Grow the Lillies, and he also published his poetry in Collected Poems. Christy Brown died in 1981.
Industry Reviews
"Riveting, funny and inspiring." - Irish Times

"A story of courage that is wise and in no way morbid." - Sunday Times

"This is a moving portrayal of an astonishing man with a brilliant brain trapped inside a damaged body, who accomplishes more than most able-bodied people could even dream of." - Anushka Asthana, The Observer

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