Preface xxi
Part I: Overview of Textile Waste and Management 1
1 Overview of Textile Waste 3
Amisha Singh, Shilpi Shree Sahay and Prashansa Sharma
1.1 Introduction 4
1.2 Textile Waste 6
1.3 Classification of Textile Waste 7
1.4 Pre-Consumer Textile Waste 7
1.5 Post-Consumer Textile Waste 14
1.6 Soft and Hard Waste 16
1.7 Major Reasons for Textile Waste Production 17
1.8 Textile Waste--Associated Environmental Hazards 20
1.9 Future Prospect 24
1.10 Conclusion 25
2 Challenges in Handling and Systematically Organizing Textile Waste 29
A.K. Choudhary and Prashant Kumar
2.1 Introduction 30
2.2 Types of Textile Waste 32
2.3 Textile Waste Management 34
2.4 Major Challenges in Managing Textile Waste 35
2.5 Challenges in Textile Recycling (Solid Waste) 38
2.6 Challenges in Different Methods for Recovering Waste from the Textile Industry 45
3 Overview of Textile Recycling (Solid Waste) 59
Debarati Maity, Akash Borkar, Suvojit Ghosh and Anagha S. Sabnis
3.1 Introduction 61
3.2 Overview of Textile Recycling 63
3.3 Circular Economy 64
3.4 Waste Management 66
3.5 Applications of Recycled Fabrics 73
3.6 Challenges in Fabric Recycling 84
3.7 Technologies and Innovation Involved in Textile Recycling 84
3.8 Conclusions 87
4 Nanoparticle-Facilitated Treatment of Wastewater Containing Textile Dye 97
Anirban Roy and Sampa Chakrabarti
4.1 Introduction 99
4.2 Aim, Objectives, and Scope 103
4.3 Nanoparticle-Based Adsorption Processes for Treatment of Textile Wastewater 103
4.4 Nano-Photocatalysts and Their Application for Treatment of Textile Wastewater 106
4.5 Membrane Processes Involving Nanotechnology for Treatment of Textile Wastewater 112
4.6 Bioremediation Involving Nanomaterials 114
4.7 Ecotoxicological Impact of Using Nanoparticles for Textile Wastewater Treatment 117
4.8 Real-Life Textile Wastewater Treatment Using Nanoparticles 118
4.9 Conclusion 119
5 Innovative Approaches to Recover Waste in the Textile Sector 129
Dipak Kumar Sahu and Goutam Rath
5.1 Introduction 130
5.2 Innovative Approaches for Solid Waste Management 134
5.3 Case Studies of Successful Innovations 143
5.4 Innovative Approaches for Liquid Textile Waste Management 144
5.5 Nanofibers for Dye Separation 152
5.6 Waste Cotton Recycling 153
5.7 Mixed Solid Waste Recycling 154
5.8 Challenges and Prospects 155
5.9 Conclusion 157
Part II: Comprehensive, Sustainable and Productive Recycling of Waste Using Nanotechnology 171
6 Role of Nanotechnology in Recycled Textiles 173
Muhammad Jahanzaib, Shambhavi Sharma and Duckshin Park
6.1 Introduction 174
6.2 Textile Waste Reuse or Recycle 176
6.3 Challenges in Textile Recycling 180
6.4 Nanotechnology in Textiles 182
6.5 The Circular Economy and Nanotechnology: The Case of Recycled Textile Waste 188
6.6 Environmental Hazards Associated with Nanomaterials in the Textile Industry 192
6.7 Nanomaterials From Textile Industry and Health Effects 195
6.8 Industrial Applications of Recycled Textiles 197
6.9 Conclusion 198
7 Contribution of Nanotechnology in Shaping Sustainable Textile Design and Future Fashion Trends 207
Shilpi Shree Sahay, Prashansa Sharma and Amisha Singh
7.1 Introduction 209
7.2 Sustainable Design Principles 211
7.3 Promoting Conscious Fashion Choices 213
7.4 Sustainable Practices in Textile Production 214
7.5 Role of Technological Advancements in Achieving Sustainability 216
7.6 Technological Innovations in Material Production 219
7.7 Nanotechnology in Fabric Production 223
7.8 Innovations in Nanotechnology Transforming Textile Sector 225
7.9 Nanotextile Market Trend 228
7.10 Emerging Technologies and Future Trend 229
7.11 Conclusion 230
8 Understanding and Characterization of Functional Properties of Novel Recycled Nano-Textile 235
Chet Ram Meena
8.1 Introduction 236
8.2 Current and Future Trends in Novel Nano-Textiles 237
8.3 Nanotechnology (NT) 239
8.4 Nanomaterials (NMs) 240
8.5 Synthesis of Nanomaterials (NMs) 244
8.6 Characterization of Nanomaterials 246
8.7 Applications of Nanotechnology 253
8.8 Novel Nano-Textile 258
8.9 Environmental and Health Concerns Connected with Nanomaterials 259
8.10 Overpowering the Threats Connected with Nanomaterials 261
8.11 Conclusion 262
9 Future Perspective of Nanotechnology in Relation to Textile Applications Using Textile Waste 265
Ruchi Kholiya, Shefali Massey and Mansi Hans
9.1 Introduction 266
9.2 Nanotechnology and Its Emergence 267
9.3 What is Textile Waste? 272
9.4 Potential of Nanotechnology in the Utilization of Textile Waste 275
9.5 Environmental, Health, and Safety Concerns of Nanotechnology 278
9.6 Conclusion 279
Part III: Advanced Application of Recycled and Nano-Assisted Novel Textile Generated Through Waste 285
10 Utilizing Textile Waste in the Production of Nanotechnology-Based Sports Textiles 287
Janmay Singh Hada
10.1 Introduction 289
10.2 Integration of Textile Waste and Nanotechnology 291
10.3 Sport Textiles 292
10.4 Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials in Sport Textiles 293
10.5 Textile Waste 299
10.6 Health and Safety Measures 301
10.7 Present Scenario 302
10.8 Composites 304
10.9 Nanotechnology is Applied to Enable Self-Cleaning Properties in Textile Waste 305
10.10 Innovations 305
10.11 Conclusion 306
11 Functional Textiles from Agro-Industrial Waste 311
Shubham Joshi, Neelu Kambo and Saurabh Dubey
11.1 Introduction 312
11.2 Socio-Economic Perspective 315
11.3 Agro-Industrial Waste 316
11.4 Extraction and Formulation of Natural Compounds 323
11.5 Functional Properties of Agro-Industrial Waste-Based Formulations 329
11.6 Future and Challenges 344
11.7 Conclusion 345
12 Potential Application of Recycled Waste in Technical Textiles 351
Blesson Tom Mathew, Advitiya Kumar and Archana Samanta
12.1 Introduction 352
12.2 Overview of Technical Textiles 353
12.3 Textile Waste: Sources and Challenges 354
12.4 Recycling Technologies 356
12.5 Benefits of Using Recycled Waste in Technical Textiles 357
12.6 Application of Recycled Waste in Technical Textiles 358
12.7 Environmental and Economic Impact 370
12.8 Conclusion 371
13 Nano-Engineered Protective Textiles Using Recycled Wastes 379
Rupayan Roy and Pravin P. Chavan
13.1 Introduction 380
13.2 Recycled Waste Materials for Protective Textiles 385
13.3 Nano-Engineering in Protective Textiles 387
13.4 Characterization of Nano-Engineered Protective Textiles Using Recycled Wastes 389
13.5 Applications of Nano-Engineered Protective Textiles Using Recycled Wastes 391
13.6 Future Prospects and Challenges 393
14 Advanced Application of Recycled Textile Generated from Waste in Military Application Using Nanotechnology 403
Rohit Rai and Prodyut Dhar
14.1 Introduction 404
14.2 Types and Sources of Waste 408
14.3 Fiber Waste Recycling Procedures 408
14.4 Approaches in Fiber Recycling 410
14.5 Textile Modification with Nanotechnology for Military Applications 414
14.6 Defense Applications of Nanotechnology-Based Textiles 420
14.7 Utilization of Sustainable Nanotextiles for Military Applications 426
14.8 Conclusions 429
Part IV: Quality Control and Regulatory Aspects of Advanced Nano Textile Material with Respect to Industries 435
15 Global Legislation, Schemes and Standards to Control Environmental Concern for Textile-Generated Waste 437
Shambhavi Sharma, Muhammad Jahanzaib, Jooyeon Lee and Duckshin Park
15.1 Introduction 439
15.2 Textile Industry and Environmental Impact 439
15.3 Global Legislation for Textile Waste Management 441
15.4 International Schemes and Initiatives 443
15.5 Standards and Certifications 445
15.6 Challenges and Limitations 447
15.7 Benefits and Impacts of Legislation and Standards 449
15.8 Case Studies 451
15.9 Future Prospects and Recommendations 453
15.10 Conclusion 455
16 Prevailing Eco-Parameters and Protocols for Nanotechnology in the Textile Industry 461
Sanduru Sai Keerthana, Vivek Dave and Prashansa Sharma
16.1 Introduction 462
16.2 Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology 463
16.3 Industrial Use of Nanotechnology in Textiles 467
16.4 A Brief Note on Textile Recycling 469
16.5 An Overview of the Industrial Process in Textile Industry 470
16.6 Textile Waste and Its Environmental Problems 471
16.7 Pollution Output 474
16.8 Restricted Substances 477
16.9 Protocols for Industrial Use of Nanotechnology 481
16.10 Nanotechnology-Based Textiles and Nano-Safety Concerns 482
16.11 Regulation Methods for Nanomaterials 483
16.12 Principles for the Safe Handling of Nanomaterials 485
16.13 Risk Management and Assurance in Quality for Nano-Coated Textile Products 486
16.14 Good Practices and Test Guidelines 487
16.15 Applications for Nanotextiles 488
16.16 Conclusion 490
References 491
Index 497