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Natural Therapies for Parkinson's Disease - Laurie K. Mischley

Natural Therapies for Parkinson's Disease

By: Laurie K. Mischley

Hardcover | 27 October 2009

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Conventional management of Parkinson's disease (PD) is limited. The pharmaceutical and surgical options that are available have significant side effects and only correct symptoms for a limited period of time. Even with the best conventional treatment, the disease progresses and becomes severely disabling. No existing conventional therapies that the progress of the disease; available medicines only treat symptoms temporarily. Conventional medicine views the course of the disease as "progressive" and "irreversible." Many patients, who are only partially satisfied with conventional medicine, seek alternative and complementary options in an attempt to slow, stop, or reverse the disease process. This book has several functions:- It is a science-based reference manual.- It is inspiring and empowering to patients.- It is educational for both patients and neurologists.- It is entertaining.- It fosters an understanding between conventional and complementary providers.Chapters on , Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Aluminum, Antioxidants, Beta-carotene, Calorie Restriction, Carnitine, Chelation, Cholesterol, Choline, Coenzyme Q-10, Constipation, Creatine, Curcumin (Turmeric), Dairy, DHA (fish oil), Fava Beans, Glutathione, H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori), Homocysteine, Iron, Manganese, Marijuana (Cannabis sativa), Mucuna pruriens, Velvet bean, Cowhage, Niacin, Tea, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D, and other topics.

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