Natural Turf for Sport and Amenity : Science and Management :  Science and Management - Richard  Gibbs

Natural Turf for Sport and Amenity : Science and Management

Science and Management

By: Richard Gibbs, William Adams

Paperback | 1 March 1994

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This book describes our current knowledge of soils and turfgrass science as applied to the design, production and management of natural turf. The first five chapters cover general principles while further chapters apply these to specific contexts. These include golf courses and bowling greens, soccer, rugby and cricket fields as well as tennis courts, and horse racing tracks. There are also chapters on amenity grass and warm-season turfgrass. The book is aimed at students taking courses in turf science and sportsground management, amenity horticulture, and landscape and recreation provision and management. It will also be a standard reference work for practitioners working in sportsground management or related subjects such as landscape architecture.

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