Negligence the Law Explained : Duty Breach and Causation for Physical Harm, Economic Loss and Psychiatric Harm - Sally Russell

Negligence the Law Explained

Duty Breach and Causation for Physical Harm, Economic Loss and Psychiatric Harm

By: Sally Russell

Booklet | 29 March 2015

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ONLY BUY WHAT YOU NEED! If you want information and tasks on a particular topic 'The Law Explained' series is for you. Written in a lively, clear and accessible way and fully updated for 2014/2015 each covers a specific area of law and includes: Plenty of stimulating tasks & self-test questions (complete with answers) Diagrams and numerous examples to bring the subject to life Key cases highlighted plus 'clue spotting' task to help prepare for problem questions Essay pointers and key criticisms to help prepare for evaluation questions Summaries, revision, examination tips and examination practice These booklets can be used as self-study guides as well as in the classroom. They are designed to help students of all learning styles to understand the subject by providing clear explanations with plenty of tasks and examples, together with guidance on how to do well in examinations. They are aimed at A-level but are suitable for many other law courses too THE LAW EXPLAINED SERIES BY SALLY RUSSELL - FROM 2014/15 Murder (including actus reus and mens rea) Voluntary manslaughter (loss of control and diminished responsibility) Involuntary manslaughter (gross negligence and unlawful act manslaughter) Non-fatal offences against the person (assault, battery, ABH, GBH and wounding) Tort of negligence (duty, breach, causation, product liability, medical negligence, economic loss and psychiatric harm) Law and Morals Law and Justice Judicial Creativity Fault Balancing Conflicting Interests Also available by the same author: AQA Unit 3A Criminal Law: Offences against the person AQA Unit 4B: Law of Torts AQA Unit 4C: Concepts of Law OCR Unit G153 Criminal Law and G154 Criminal Law Special Study Unit Criminal Law: Offences against the person revision 2007 editions of both the OCR and AQA books covering all subject areas For more information visit

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