Nehanda re-imagined - POVOAfrika Trust

Nehanda re-imagined

By: POVOAfrika Trust

eBook | 23 May 2022

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The Nehanda Re-Imagined is a project to revive and re-imagine depictions and the legacy of Mbuya Nehanda in their plurality and diversity, bringing her to a contemporary setting. There has been much discussion on social media in reaction to the current construction of a monument dedicated to Mbuya Nehanda in Harare, with particular controversy around the sculpture done by artist David Mutasa. Zimbabweans from across the spectrum expressed views and sentiments which illustrated how differently the iconic historical figure is viewed, showing a possible need for diverse and collective artistic expressions that pay tribute to Mbuya Nehanda. The book includes, drawings, photographs, academic articles, short stories, poetry, songs, paintings, prints and other depictions of Mbuya Nehanda.
