Strikingly redesigned to accompany the publication of New and Selected Poems, Volume Two
Praise for the poetry of Mary Oliver:
"One of the astonishing aspects of Oliver's work is the consistency of tone over this long period. What changes is an increased focus on nature and an increased precision with language that has made her one of our very best poets . . . There is no complaint in Ms. Oliver's poetry, no whining, but neither is there the sense that life is in any way easy . . . These poems sustain us rather than divert us. Although few poets have fewer human beings in their poems than Mary Oliver, it is ironic that few poets also go so far to help us forward." --Stephen Dobyns, New York Times Book Review
"Mary Oliver's poetry is fine and deep; it reads like a blessing. Her special gift is to connect us with our sources in the natural world, its beauties and terrors and mysteries and consolations." --Stanley Kunitz
"One would have to reach back perhaps to John] Clare or Christopher] Smart to safely cite a parallel to Oliver's lyricism or radical purification and her unappeasable mania for signs and wonders." --David Barber, Poetry
"I have always thought of poems as my companions--and like companions, they accompany you wherever the journey (or the afternoon) might lead . . . My most recent companion has been Mary Oliver's The Leaf and the Cloud . . . It's a brilliant meditation, a walk through the natural world with one of our preeminent contemporary poets." --Rita Dove, Washington Post
Industry Reviews
"One of the astonishing aspects of Oliver's work is the consistency of tone over this long period. What changes is an increased focus on nature and an increased precision with language that has made her one of our very best poets... There is no complaint in Ms. Oliver's poetry, no whining, but neither is there the sense that life is in any way easy... These poems sustain us rather than divert us. Although few poets have fewer human beings in their poems than Mary Oliver, it is ironic that few poets also go so far to help us forward." Stephen Dobyns, New York Times Book Review "I have always thought of poems as my companions - and like companions, they accompany you wherever the journey (or the afternoon) might lead... My most recent companion has been Mary Oliver's "The Leaf and the Cloud"... It's a brilliant meditation, a walk through the natural world with one of our preeminent contemporary poets." Rita Dove, Washington Post"