New Bible Cure for Depression & Anxiety (Revised, Expanded) : Ancient Truths, Natural Remedies, and the Latest Findings for Your Health Today - Don Colbert

New Bible Cure for Depression & Anxiety (Revised, Expanded)

Ancient Truths, Natural Remedies, and the Latest Findings for Your Health Today

By: Don Colbert

Paperback | 18 September 2009

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There Is Hope!
You can overcome depression and anxiety.

Do you suffer from depression or anxiety? In this concise, easy-to-read book, you'll discover a wealth of information that will help you break free! Dr. Colbert has taken the confusion away from depression and anxiety and made it simple and easy to understand. Incorporating the latest medical findings with the timeless wisdom of the Bible, The New Bible Cure for Depression and Anxiety contains findings that your doctor never may have told you, including...

-The best antidepressant
-The vital link between omega-3 fatty acids and brain activity
-Powerful foods that combat depression
-Simple strategies for joy-filled living

You want to be healthy, and God wants you to be healthy. Now, at last, here's a source of information that will help you gain and keep a healthy lifestyle body, mind and spirit.

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