No One Was Killed : The Democratic National Convention, August 1968 - John Schultz
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No One Was Killed

The Democratic National Convention, August 1968

By: John Schultz, Todd Gitlin (Foreword by)

Paperback | 15 April 2009 | Edition Number 1

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While other writers contemplated the events of the 1968 Chicago riots from the safety of their hotel rooms, John Schultz was in the city streets, being threatened by police, choking on tear gas, and listening to all the rage, fear, and confusion around him. The result, No One Was Killed, is his account of the contradictions and chaos of convention week, the adrenalin, the sense of drama and history, and how the mainstream press was getting it all wrong.

"A more valuable factual record of events than the city’s white paper, the Walker Report, and Theodore B. White’s Making of a President combined."—Book Week

"As a reporter making distinctions between Yippie, hippie, New Leftist, McCarthyite, police, and National Guard, Schultz is perceptive; he excels in describing such diverse personalities as Julian Bond and Eugene McCarthy."—Library Journal

"High on my short list of true, lasting, inspired evocations of those whacked-out days when the country was fighting a phantasmagorical war (with real corpses), and police under orders were beating up demonstrators who looked at them funny."—Todd Gitlin, from the foreword

Industry Reviews
"A more valuable factual record of events than the city's white paper, the Walker Report, and Theodore B. White's Making of a President combined." - Book Week "As a reporter making distinctions between Yippie, hippie, New Leftist, McCarthyite, police, and National Guard, Schultz is perceptive; he excels in describing such diverse personalities as Julian Bond and Eugene McCarthy." - Library Journal "High on my short list of true, lasting, inspired evocations of those whacked-out days when the country was fighting a phantasmagorical war (with real corpses), and police under orders were beating up demonstrators who looked at them funny." - Todd Gitlin, from the Foreword "No One Was Killed has managed marvelously to evoke what happened and what it felt like to have it happen to you.... Schultz demonstrates, rather than insists on, his engagement, and tracks each motive down the neural pathway to its origin, in the state or in himself." - John Leonard, New York Times"

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