Non-Calculator Workbook Years 8-9 : Essential Skills - Allyn Jones

Non-Calculator Workbook Years 8-9

Essential Skills

By: Allyn Jones

Paperback | 1 February 2016

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The Excel Essential Skills Non-Calculator Workbook Y ears 8–9 has been specifically written for the Year 8 and Year 9 Australian Curriculum courses with a focus on improving numeracy skills. It features questions that will test students’ numerical, algebraic, spatial, graphical and statistical concepts and skills. Ques tions are designed to be completed without the use of a calculator and w ill provide opportunities for skills and development in the topics of fr actions, decimals, percentages and integers. The book is divided into un its of work from the Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and S tatistics and Probability strands.

In this book you will find:

  • Sixty units of work divided into three levels
  • Carefu lly graded exercises in each topic
  • Units of work that can be us ed for the Year 9 NAPLAN Non-Calculator Test
  • Three graded NAPLA N-style Tests
  • Worked solutions to all questions

< strong>CHAPTERS

Number and Algebra
Measurement and Geometry
Statistics and Probability
Sample Tests
Worked Solutions

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