Preface | p. ix |
Direct nonlinear instabilities | p. 1 |
Parametric decay instability | p. 1 |
Decay instabilities in media with wave-modulated phase velocity; qualitative theory and principal features of PDI | p. 2 |
PDI of magnetohydrodynamic waves (quantitative theory) | p. 7 |
Modulation instability | p. 14 |
Explosive instability of negative-energy waves | p. 15 |
Induced instabilities, the symmetry and the evolution of non-equilibrium systems | p. 20 |
Systems with multiparametric non-equilibrium | p. 20 |
Group methods of analyzing secondary quasi-stationary states | p. 22 |
Introduction | p. 22 |
Scaling transformation group | p. 23 |
Supersymmetry group | p. 26 |
Effective collision frequencies in turbulent media | p. 30 |
Induced drift instabilities | p. 32 |
External noise and stability of plasmas | p. 36 |
Introduction | p. 36 |
Fluctuational chaos | p. 38 |
Universal noise-induced plasma instability and accelerated fluctuational dynamics in the vicinity of a point of instability | p. 41 |
Anomalous diffusion of particles | p. 51 |
Fluctuations of transfer coefficients in the plasma and in hydrodynamics | p. 54 |
Non-standard evolution of turbulent media | p. 57 |
Introduction | p. 57 |
Drift instability cascade and energy transfer in ionospheric turbulence | p. 58 |
Wave-turbulent instability | p. 67 |
The helical mechanism of large-scale structure generation in continuous media | p. 83 |
Introduction | p. 83 |
Helical structures and helical mechanisms of generation in hydrodynamics | p. 84 |
On the role of helicity, on the similarity and differences between the magnetic and vortex dynamo in turbulent media | p. 84 |
Generation of large-scale helical vortices in convective media | p. 87 |
Helical mechanism of generation of large-scale structures in non-convective hydrodynamic media | p. 90 |
Hydrodynamic [alpha]-effect in compressible media | p. 93 |
Introduction | p. 93 |
Qualitative discussion | p. 94 |
Closure of averaged equation | p. 98 |
[alpha] as a function of compressibility coefficient: limiting cases | p. 100 |
Large-scale instability | p. 102 |
Discussion | p. 103 |
Large-scale vortical instability and convection: further progress | p. 105 |
Equation of vortical instability due to convective turbulence and Coriolis force | p. 105 |
Rayleigh-Benar convection in turbulent fluid at very large Reynolds numbers | p. 112 |
Reverse energy cascade in uniform turbulent shear flow | p. 117 |
Introduction | p. 117 |
Formulation of the problem. Basic equations. Homogeneous helical anisotropic flow | p. 118 |
Closing the equations for perturbations of turbulent shear flow in the second-order correlation approximation | p. 120 |
Interval instability of turbulent Couette flow | p. 124 |
Helicity as a possible physical mechanism for the amplification of typhoon-type vortical perturbations in the atmosphere and of the modulation of rotation frequency of the Earth | p. 129 |
Introductory remarks | p. 129 |
Qualitative analysis of the role played by helicity in typhoon generation | p. 130 |
On typhoon precursors | p. 134 |
On the mechanism of modulation of the number of strong earthquakes and of the Earth's rotation frequency | p. 136 |
The importance and prospects of further research into nonlinear instabilities in helicoidal media (concluding remarks) | p. 144 |
Two-dimensional or helical turbulence? | p. 144 |
Vortical processes in the Jovian atmosphere induced by the collision with the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet | p. 147 |
Some yet unsolved problems | p. 156 |
Index | p. 161 |
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