List of Figures | |
List of Tables | |
Preface | |
Portfolio Optimization | |
Nonlinear optimization | |
Portfolio return and risk | |
Optimizing two-asset portfolios | |
Minimimum risk for three-asset portfolios | |
Two- and three-asset minimum-risk solutions | |
A derivation of the minimum risk problem | |
Maximum return problems | |
One-Variable Optimization | |
Optimality conditions | |
The bisection method | |
The secant method | |
The Newton method | |
Methods using quadratic or cubic interpolation | |
Solving maximum-return problems | |
Optimal Portfolios With N Assets | |
Introduction | |
The basic minimum-risk problem | |
Minimum risk for specified return | |
The maximum return problem | |
Unconstrained Optimization in N Variables | |
Optimality conditions | |
Visualising problems in several variables | |
Direct search methods | |
Optimization software and examples | |
The Steepest Descent Method | |
Introduction | |
Line searches | |
Convergence of the steepest descent method | |
Numerical results with steepest descent | |
Wolfe''s convergence theorem | |
Further results with steepest descent | |
The Newton Method | |
Quadratic models and the Newton step | |
Positive definiteness and Cholesky factors | |
Advantages and drawbacks of Newton''s method | |
Search directions from indefinite Hessians | |
Numerical results with the Newton method | |
Quasinewton Methods | |
Approximate second derivative information | |
Rauk-two updates for the inverse Hessian | |
Convergence of quasi-Newton methods | |
Numerical results with quasi-Newton methods | |
The rank-one update for the inverse Hessian | |
Updating estimates of the Hessian | |
Conjugate Gradient Methods | |
Conjugate gradients and quadratic functions | |
Conjugate gradients and general functions | |
Convergence of conjugate gradient methods | |
Numerical results with conjugate gradients | |
The truncated Newton method | |
Optimal Portfolios With Restrictions | |
Introduction | |
Transformations to exclude short-selling | |
Results from Minrisk2u and Maxret2u | |
Upper and lower limits on invested fractions | |
Larger-Scale Portfolios | |
Introduction | |
Portfolios with increasing numbers of assets | |
Time-variation of optimal portfolios | |
Performance of optimized portfolios | |
Data-Fitting And The Gauss-Newton Method | |
Data fitting problems | |
The Gauss-Newton method | |
Least-squares in time series analysis | |
Gauss-Newton applied to time series | |
Least-squares forms of minimum-risk problems | |
Gauss-Newton applied to Minrisk1 and Minrisk 2 | |
Equality Constrained Optimization | |
Portfolio problems with equality constraints | |
Optimality conditions | |
A worked example | |
Interpretation of Lagrange multipliers | |
Some example problems | |
Linear Equality Constraints | |
Equality constrained quadratic programming | |
Solving minimum-risk problems as EQPs | |
Reduced-gradient methods | |
Projected gradient methods | |
Results with methods for linear constraints | |
Penalty Function Methods | |
Introduction | |
Penalty functions | |
The Augmented Lagrangian | |
Results with P-SUMT and AL-SUMT | |
Exact penalty functions | |
Sequential Quadratic Programming | |
Introduction | |
Quadratic/linear models | |
SQP methods based on penalty functions | |
Results with AL-SQP | |
SQP line searches and the Maratos effect | |
Further Portfolio Problems | |
Including transaction costs | |
A re-balancing problem | |
A sensitivity problem | |
Inequality Constrained Optimization | |
Portfolio problems with inequality constraints | |
Optimality conditions | |
Transforming inequalities to equalities | |
Transforming inequalities to simple bounds | |
Example problems | |
Extending Equality-Constraint Methods | |
Inequality constrained quadratic programming | |
Reduced gradients for inequality constraints | |
Penalty functions for inequality constraints | |
AL-SUMT for inequality constraints | |
SQP for inequality constraints | |
Results with P-SUMT, AL-SUMT and AL-SQP | |
Barrier Function Methods | |
Introduction | |
Barrier functions | |
Numerical results with B-SUMT | |
Interior Point Methods | |
Introduction | |
Approximate solutions of problem B-NLP | |
An interior p | |
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