NSW Targeting Handwriting : Years 3-6 : Teacher Resource Book - Jane Pinsker

NSW Targeting Handwriting : Years 3-6

Teacher Resource Book

By: Jane Pinsker

Paperback | 1 January 2001

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The Targeting Handwriting program is the only Foundation handwriting program that supports teachers with a resource book for each year in Lower Primary.

The books provide information regarding stages of development and common problems relevant to the age group. There is a teacher resource book to accompany each level – Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2. Years 3-6 are combined into one teacher resource book.

The Targeting Handwriting NSW Years 3-6 Teacher Resource Book are combined into one teacher resource book.

Features include:
  • Information on the mechanics of writing, eg. posture, pencil grip and paper position
  • Templates of fun props to make for demonstrating handwritten patterns
  • Over 100 blackline masters for extra practice of each letter
  • Specific teaching notes on all the different joins
  • A troubleshooting chart to help you identify and remedy handwritten difficulties
  • Direct link to NSW syllabus with indicators checklist.

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