Preface | |
Introduction | |
Why do we care? | |
Bounding the discussion | |
The reactor | |
Materials of construction | |
pH control agents and coolant additives | |
Clarifying the definition | |
The analytical domain | |
The Corrosion Source | |
The process | |
The form | |
Why a double layered film? | |
Ion site preference | |
Kinetics | |
Modeling the behavior | |
A closer look at kp | |
Elemental speciation of kp & kr | |
The cobalt source | |
Tramp cobalt in construction material | |
High cobalt content alloys | |
A place to start | |
Framing the vision of the general equation set | |
Mass balances | |
Physico-chemical processes | |
Nuclear processes | |
Dependant variables | |
Modeling coolant additives and pH control agents | |
Building block fluxes for the general equation set | |
Corrosion growth and release | |
Particulate deposition and erosion | |
Water Purity | |
Practical measurements of kdp and ke | |
Hydro-thermal crystallization/dissolution | |
Saturated or equilibrium coolant concentrations | |
Vanishing dependent variables | |
Parsing the hydrothermal mass transfer | |
Modeling of boiling phenomena | |
Boiling enhanced hydrothermal crystallization | |
Boiling enhanced Particulate deposition | |
Hydrothermal Particulate crystallization/dissolution | |
Saturation enhancement factor (FP) | |
Hydrothermal Particulate mass transfer coefficient | |
Building block models for radioactive build-up and decay | |
Effective thermal neutron production cross sections | |
Chromite sub-layer equations | |
Iron & nickel based alloys | |
Stellite | |
Zircaloy | |
Ferrite layer equations | |
Particulate aqueous phase equations | |
Discussion | |
Aqueous soluble phase equations | |
Iron & nickel based alloy soluble equations | |
Zircaloy base metal soluble equations | |
Stellite base metal soluble equations | |
Discussion | |
Framing the vision of the media equation set | |
Reactor coolant purification systems | |
Modeling media | |
Filtration building block model | |
Modeling f and | |
A simpler approach | |
Ion-exchange building block model | |
The media equation set | |
Media ionic sub-surface equations (ion-exchangers only) | |
Media surface phase (filtered mass) equations | |
Media Particulate equations | |
Media soluble equations | |
A solution method | |
Linerizing the equation sets | |
Finite differencing | |
General equations for iron in iron/nickel based alloys | |
Simplified-linearized iron equations | |
Discussion | |
How does finite-differencing work? | |
Defining Y (n) and b (n,m) | |
Subordinate or Secondary Models and Correlations | |
FORTRAN or C Algorithms for the Thermodynamic Properties of Steam and Water | |
Computation of pH (log of the H+ ion concentration) | |
Single Phase Hydraulic Friction Factor | |
Defining the Input Architecture for NOC | |
System Defaults and Program Control Inputs | |
Finite Difference Mesh | |
Time Independent Part (or region) Inputs | |
Operating History Histogram Inputs | |
The Modeling of Time | |
Time Dependent Inputs | |
Time dependent loop connection table inputs | |
Time dependent Part inputs | |
Nuclear inputs and power shapes | |
Program design and suggestions | |
Program Architecture | |
Input module | |
Full input processing | |
Input pre-scanning | |
Full input summary edits | |
Auto-mesh generation | |
Initial dependent variable boundary conditions | |
Restart input processing | |
The restart file structure | |
The analysis module | |
Loop 1 ? Operating Steps | |
Keeping track of time | |
Loop 2 ? Temporal Power Rows | |
Loop 3 ? Descending the loop connection table | |
Loop 4 ? The inner-most loop over mesh cells | |
Dynamic solution repair | |
Consider a freezing strategy | |
Row convergence | |
A word about convergence | |
Preserving the mass balance | |
Partial row rebalance | |
Oscillatory solutions | |
A special case mass rebalance | |
Wrapping up the problem | |
Summary tables | |
The output module | |
Summary | |
Pre and post processing (the GUI interface) | |
Post processing functionality | |
Special solution edits | |
Simulation graphical trends | |
Summary | |
Afterward | |
References | |
Glossary | |
Nomenclature | |
| |
Nickel equilibria | |
Cobalt equilibria | |
Zinc equilibria | |
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