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Nutribullet Recipe Book : Smoothie Recipes for Weight-Loss, Detox, Anti-Aging & So Much More! - Stephanie Shaw

Nutribullet Recipe Book

Smoothie Recipes for Weight-Loss, Detox, Anti-Aging & So Much More!

By: Stephanie Shaw

Paperback | 29 September 2015

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The push button way to extract ALL of the nutrients natural food has to offer in tasty and delicious smoothies using cutting edge technology.

Why Use the Nutribullet?

The Nutribullet is a breakthrough device that enables you to extract all of the nutrients available from natural products. Unlike commonly available smoothie makers and juicers, the Nutribullet has been engineered to enable you to exploit nutrients from the skin and seeds of fruit and veg which often is where the major source of natural goodness is stored.

What's So Special About Your Recipes?

Using my specially formulated recipes, you're able to:

  • Achieve optimum health
  • Have boundless energy and vitality
  • Achieve and maintain your ideal weight
  • Look radiant
  • Live a long healthy life

My recipes all list nutritional information and have all the features you strive for (the odd naughty day exception!):

  • Low fat
  • Low calorie
  • Low sugar
  • High fiber

Why Should I Take Notice of You?

After many years as a Diabetes Specialist Nurse prescribing and practicing a healthy lifestyle, I'm well aware that you will want recipes that:

  • Are affordable and easy to make
  • Are tasty and delicious
  • Give fast results
  • Fit in with a busy lifestyle

Otherwise the enthusiasm to continue their new healthy lifestyle has the potential to wane and old unhealthy ways return. I designed these recipes with these factors as vital components.

Tell Me More About Your Book?

There are seven chapters that include recipes. Each chapter deals with a specific issue and the recipes have been specially formulated to meet your requirements.

  • Healthy Heart - one in four deaths in the US are through heart disease.
  • Detoxification - we consume (knowingly and unknowingly) many chemicals and toxins.
  • Weight loss - 68.8% of adults are considered to be overweight or obese.
  • Radiant Skin - with radiant skin you will ooze health and confidence attracting attention from both the opposite sex and in your work life.
  • Energy Boost - one in ten people have persistent low energy.
  • Anti-Aging - we are living far longer than people have done in the past
  • Superfoods - this section is for people who really want to give their body a concentrated boost of all of the vitamins and nutrients they need.

By now I'm sure you can't wait to satisfy your taste buds and pump your body with all the goodness nature has to offer. Here's a small selection to tempt you further:

  • Chia Seed Rainforest Smoothie
  • Berry Breakfast Smoothie
  • Flat Belly Smoothie
  • Smoothie for Radiant Skin
  • Antioxidant Anti-Aging Smoothie
  • Raw Mint Chocolate Smoothie
  • Bananarama Smoothie

Don't worry if you don't have all of the ingredients for the recipes. You can substitute or miss out on some. The main point is you are boosting your body with all the goodness nature has to offer. Take a step towards a longer, healthier and happier life. A life with more energy, more time and less weight. Your new radiance and confidence awaits you.

Industry Reviews
"Stop thinking and start whizzing." - Grady Harp: Amazon Hall of Fame, Top 100 Reviewer, Vine Voice "Just terrific, and well priced! Tons of feel great recipes, but TWO of them are particularly outstanding! Read on!" - Movie Maker "Rik", Amazon Vine Voice

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