General Introduction Part 1: The Historical Roots and Early Forms of Rehabilitation Introduction. 1. Science, Rewards and Education, Cesare Beccaria 2. The Panopticon, Jeremy Bentham 3. Working in the Police Court, John Augustus 4. Recognizance, Matthew Davenport Hill 5. Recognizance and the suspension of judgement, Edward. W. Cox 6. Adult Probation, William Tallack 7. The blind worship of punishment, Enrico Ferri 8. Crime and Criminals, Clarence Darrow 9. The Positivism of Clarence Darrow, P. Jenkins 10. Work in the courts, Thomas Holmes 11. The individualization of punishment, Raymond Saleilles 12. Reforming criminals, Thomas Holmes 13. The Probation System, Cecil Leeson 14. Working with women, Mrs. Cary 15. Social Clubs for girls, Mrs. Cary 16. Work with children, H. Chinn 17. Difficult cases, C. Rankin 18. The failure of prison and the value of treatment, Mary Gordon 19. The spiritual factor, F. Poulton 20. Principles of a rational penal code, Sheldon Glueck 21. The prison chaplain,Victor Serge 22. Religion in the penitentiary, Philip Priestley 23. Techniques of social work, H. Weiss 24. Some pitfalls for probation, Sheldon Glueck 25. Treatment plans and practice, L. Le Mesurier 26. Social inquiry and treatment plans, R. R. W. Golding 27. The principles of casework, F. P. Biestek 28. Gang-groups, D. Bissell 29. Hostel groups, M. K. McCullough 30. Girl Groups, M. Freeguard 31. Enforcement and therapy, A.W. Hunt 32. Psychotherapy and reality, Melitta Schmideberg 33. The persistent offender, Geoffrey Parkinson Part 2: Modern Trends and Forms Introduction 34. Humanitarianism and punishment, C. S. Lewis 35. The frying-pan of charitable condescension, Barbara Wootton 36. Faith and Counsellors, Paul Halmos 37. Re-socializing prisoners, K. Berntsen and K. Christiansen 38. The Age of Treatment, Robert Martinson 39. In the Ghetto, Mac Davis 40. The justice model, American Friends Service Committee 41. Task Centred Casework, W. J. Reid and L. Epstein 42. Serving the community, John Harding 43. Extended contact with prisoners, Margaret Shaw 44. McVicar, John McVicar 45. Social Work in the Environment, Martin Davies 46. New Careers, Philip Priestley 47. The effectiveness of sentencing, S.R. Brody 48. Rehabilitation and deviance, Philip Bean 49. A sense of freedom, Jimmy Boyle 50. Sentenced to social work, Malcolm Bryant et al 51. Compulsion and social work, Peter Raynor 52. Non-treatment, Anthony Bottoms and Bill McWilliams 53. Still not working?, Ronald Blackburn 54. Induction groups, A.R. Stanley 55. Limits to Pain, Nils Christie 56. Sex Offender Groups, Christine Weaver and Charles Fox 57. Justice, Sanctioning, and the Justice Model, Gray Cavender 58. Offending Behaviour, James McGuire and Philip Priestley 59. Heimler's Human Social Functioning, Hugh Morley 60. Reasoning and Rehabilitation, Robert Ross et al 61. Does nothing work? Jerome Miller 62. Punishment in Modern Society, David Garland 63. Restorative justice, Martin Wright 64. Good or evil?, John Patten 65. The New Penology, Malcolm Feeley and Jonathan Simon 66. Day Training Centres, Maurice Vanstone 67. Groupwork with Women, Marion Jones et al 68. Last Messages from a Fading Star, Brian Caddick 69. Probation Practice..., Peter Raynor and Maurice Vanstone 70. Drug treatment: a therapeutic community, Carl Ake Farbring Part 3:The Future - Can Rehabilitation be Rehabilitated? Introduction 71. Socialization Through the Life Cycle, Orville G. Brim 72. The Just Community Approach to Corrections, L. Kohlberg et. al 73. Exiting from criminal careers, Thomas Meisenhelder 74. A Re-Examination of Correctional Alternatives, Kevin N. Wright 75. Probation in St. Pauls, Jim Lawson 76. The Rights Model, Edgardo Rotman 77. The Politics of Redress, Willem de Haan 78. Desistance and development, Shadd Maruna 79. Treatment for Substance Abusers, Ron Fagan 80. What works. What doesn't work. What's promising, Doris Layton MacKenzie 81. 'Punish And Rehabilitate' - Do They Mean Us?, Chris Hignett 82. Rethinking God, Ted Grimsrud and Howard Zehr 83. Restorative Justice Values, Processes and Practices, Allison Morris 84. Rethinking What Works with Offenders, Stephen Farrall 85. A Civic Engagement Model of Re-entry, G. Bazemore and J. Stinchcomb 86. American Social Work, Corrections and Restorative Justice, E. J. Gumz 87. The Good Lives Model, Tony Ward and Mark Brown 88. What Works in Prisoner Re-entry? Joan Petersilia 89. Beyond the Prison Paradigm, James Gilligan and Bandy Lee 90. Rehabilitation: headline or footnote? S. Lewis 91. Problem Solving Courts, C. West Huddleston, III et al 92. Strengths-based resettlement, Ros Burnett and Shadd Maruna 93. Staying straight: lessons from ex-offenders, Thomas K. Kenemore 94. The future of rehabilitation, Gwen Robinson and Peter Raynor 95. Programmes for minority ethnic offenders, Patrick Williams 96. Rehabilitation is the moral thing to do, Francis T. Cullen 97. Principles of Problem-Solving Justice, Robert V. Wolf 98. 'A daft idea', Rod Morgan Conclusion