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On the Move : An Allsopp Odyssey - Charles Hindlip

On the Move

An Allsopp Odyssey

By: Charles Hindlip

Hardcover | 23 October 2017

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On the Move follows on from Charles Hindlip's successful memoir An Auctioneer's Lot, which charted his illustrious career at Christie's. As well as sharing a love of art, he and his wife Fiona have always had a passion for moving house and foreign travel.

The couple relocated some 30 times in their 46 years of marriage (which perhaps explains their daughter Kirstie Allsopp's talent for house-hunting), finding time in between these sometimes traumatic upheavals to explore Europe, Russia, Africa, Asia and north and south America.

This is a story of highs and lows - the lucky breaks, the disappointments, the journey from bedsits to Belgravia mansions - punctuated by tales of their adventures from the Andes to Angkor Wat.

About the Author

Charles Allsopp (Lord Hindlip) was educated at Eton College and served in the Coldstream Guards from 1959 until 1962, when he joined the art auction house Christie's. He was General Manager of Christie's New York, then successively director, deputy chairman and chairman of Christie, Manson & Woods in London. He succeeded his father as the 6th Baron Hindlip in 1993, becoming a member of the House of Lords.

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